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Officer Cadet (Teachers, Principals)
March 07, 2021

Officer Cadet (Teachers, Principals)

Applications are invited from Teachers, Principals, SLEAS, SLTES Officers to join the professionals as a commissioned officer and mould school cadets to become versatile future leaders with right attributes.

  • Attractive pay and Allowances
  • Free Uniforms
  • Free Medical Facilities at Military Hospitals
  • Overseas Visits and Training Courses
  • Special Courses from the Tri Services and Civil Institutes

  • Age Below 35

Closing Date 15 April 2021

Click Below for Details

Report Child Abuse : Child Protection APP
NVQ  5 Courses (Ceylon - German, Technical Training Institute)


Gazette Paper : 05 Mar 2021
Teaching vacancies : (National and Provincial Schools)
March 06, 2021

Teaching vacancies : (National and Provincial Schools)

Latest Update
Important Notice : 09 Mar 2021
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முக்கிய அறிவிப்பு

Teaching Vacancies for 2 Year Diploma Holders
(National and Provincial Schools)

Applications are invited for Filling Teaching Vacancies in National and provincial Schools for Below Subjects

English : All Island

IT | Home Economics | Art | Music | Dance : Eastern and Northern Provinces

Closing Date 19 Mar 2021


2 Years Diploma Course (NVQ 6)
Age 18 - 35

Click below for More Details and Applications
In Sinhala
In Tamil
Scholarship : MSc in Forestry and Allied Programme (India)


Masters Degree Scholarships : Thailand
March 05, 2021

Masters Degree Scholarships : Thailand

Applications are invited for Scholarships for Masters degree progarmmmes under Thailand International Postgradaute Programme for the Year 2021.

MSc Courses

Bio Science for Sustainable Agriculture
Pharmacy Program in Pharmaceutics
Environmental Technology and Management
Smart Grid Technology
Food Science and Technology
Food Innovation, Safety, and Quality Management
Agricultural Science
Agri Science and Technology
Dermatology and Dermato Surgery
Public Health
Pharmacy Program in Clinical Pharmacy
Regulatory Science for Pharmaceuticals and Health Products
Bio Medical Science
Occupational and Environmental Health
Public Health program
Innovative and Tropical Health

Masters Courses
Public Health
Nursing Science
Primary Health Care management

MA Courses
Asia Pacific Studies
Diplomacy and International Studies
International Development
Social Science

Closing Date 26 March 2021

Click Below for More Details
Scholarship Details

Admission Card : Daham Pasal Final  Certificate Examination -2019(2021)


Reading and Making Notes : Self Learning Guidelines
March 04, 2021

Reading and Making Notes : Self Learning Guidelines

Note making plays an important role in self learning process. Here we have given you some resources which will help you to develop the Reading and note making skills.

There are some important facts.
  1. Effective Reading
  2. Note Making
  3. Outline Notes
  4. Cornel Notes
  5. Note making Skills
  6. Mind Mapping
  7. Concept mapping

Here you have been given some video guidelines regarding above Topics. Click on video to view the video guide for each releavant topic.

Effective Reading | Video 1 | Video 2

Note Making | Video

Outline Notes | Video

Cornel Notes | Video

Note making Skills | Video

Mind Mapping | Video

Concept mapping | Video

Source : Open University

Photo & Video Competition
March 04, 2021

Photo & Video Competition

Lions clubs international District 306A1 Srilanka has launched a Digital and Video Competition to commemorate World Diabetes Day 2020.

Digital Photo competition
A participant can submit up to 5 digital photos. Photos should be submitted without any form of editing.

Digital Video competition

A participant can submit a maximum of Two (2) videos with a maximum time duration of three (3) minutes each. Maximum file size allowed will be 1GB per video.

Promoting Healthy food habits
Promoting physical exercises
Say no to alcohol
Say no to tobacco


The competitions will be conducted under Four (4) categories:

Category 1 – Lions and Leos of Multiple District 306 Sri Lanka
Category 2 – Schoolchildren – Sri Lanka
Category 3 – General Public – Sri Lanka
Category 4 - Global Lions and Leos - any Lion / Leo can participate from any part of the world.

(A participant can enter only under one category.)

Winners will be announced on 15th May 2021.

Cash prizes for each category Photo / Video.
1st Prize - 100,000
2nd Prize - 50,000
3rd Prize - 25,000.

Click Below for Details and registrations 

No of Students by Government Schools
March 04, 2021

No of Students by Government Schools

Education Ministry has released the details of the numbers of Students by government Schools. This data verified as at December 31st 2019.

Grade 1 - 5 : 1 656 433 Students
Grade 6 - 11 : 1 987 137 Students
GCE A/L : 411 747 Students
Special Education : 7 513 Students
Total Students : 4 062 830

The list contain 10165 Schools and amount of Students. There are 2 files available. You can use the Excel file for data analyze.

Click Below for the FULL LIST



Diploma in English : Rajarata University




Learning Materials for Students