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Exam Calendar - May 2024
Grama Niladhari Allowances Increased.
April 05, 2024

Grama Niladhari Allowances Increased.

Ministry of Homa Affairs has released a special Circular on Increasing Grama Niladhari Allowances.

Office Allowance
Within Municipal Council Limit - 3000

Within Divisional Secretariat Limit - 2000

Annual Stationary Allowance - 3000

Circular is attached Below

Interview List - BBA External (University of Peradeniya)
Selection Test Results released - LLB (OUSL)
GCE O/L ICT Model Paper Book - Western Province


Education Ministry's Website Hacked
April 04, 2024

Education Ministry's Website Hacked

 Education Ministry's Website has been hacked. hacker says he is a Sri Lankan A/L Student.
HIS NOTE is attached below

My name is Anonymous EEE and I am currently studying A/l. Sorry for unauthorized access to your website but your website has some security flaws.As a Sri Lankan citizen I am reporting this for the safety of my country. fix it thanks

Ministry Website url :

Academic Vacancies- Jaffna University
EB Exam Results - SLPS Grade 3
3 Lakh fine for Teacher who assaulted a student
April 04, 2024

3 Lakh fine for Teacher who assaulted a student

Colombo High Court yesterday (03) ordered a history teacher who slapped a Year 6 student in a major religious school to burst his ear drum to pay a compensation of 3 lakh rupees to the guardians of the victim student and ordered a one year imprisonment if the compensation is not paid.

Incident was happened in 2007.

Paper article and Tamil Translation are attached Below


National Cyber Security Strategy of Sri Lanka (Draft)
Academic Vacancies - Open University
Online MCQ Papers - GCE O/L
April 03, 2024

Online MCQ Papers - GCE O/L

E Taksalawa Learning Management System Has developed Online MCQ Papers for GCE O/L Students to practice the Exams.

you can use Mobile Phone, Tab, Computers to practice this papers. Data WILL NOT BE CHARGED.

Create an  account or use your google account to attempt to the exam.

Click Below for Online MCQ Papers




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