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Showing posts with label Circular. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Circular. Show all posts


Dismissal for taking leave without notice
September 26, 2024

Dismissal for taking leave without notice


Public Service Commission has released a circular on Appeals against Vacation of Post Notices via Circular No 03/2024.

Its Clearly says that, AN INJUSTICE is caused when actions are taken in terms of Sections 213 and 214 of the procedural Rules of Public Service Commission.

What the Above procedures are saying, officer should be inform the head of the Institution of his absence within 24 Hours. This time frame has been increased to 5 days from the latest Circular.

Rule 213

However, where a public officer is unable to report for duty owing to unavoidable circumstances without getting his leave approved, it shall be the responsibility of the officer to somehow inform the Head of the Institution of his absence within 24 hours of the time of commencement of his duty on that particular day. 

Rule 214

A public officer who absents himself from duty without informing his Head of the Institution as stated above shall be deemed to have vacated his post. It shall be the responsibility of the Appointing Authority or the Head of the Department or Head of its Provincial/ District/ Divisional Office or the Head of the Institution, as the case may be, to issue a Notice of Vacation of Post to the officer concerned forthwith by registered post, in the format of Appendix 14. If the vacation of post notice is issued by an authority other than the Appointing Authority, he shall send copies to the Appointing Authority and to other relevant authorities. 

Click below for the Articles in




 Election Duty Payments Circular - Presidential Election 2024


Amendment Circular - Academic Staff in School
September 13, 2024

Amendment Circular - Academic Staff in School


Amendment Circular on Determining the Academic Staff in Schools has been released. 

Education Ministry has amended the Teacher Cadre Circular no 2021/06.

Following amendments are made in relation to the subject names stated in Schedule 02 of the Circular No.06/2021 dated 28.04.2021 that has been issued previously in order to determine the cadre for academic staff of a school.

Accordingly, the names of the subjects stated under the Subject No:12.1(ii)
12.10(xxiii) and 
12.10(xxvi) are hereby amended as stated in the table appended below.

Further, three new subject names under the Subject 
No:12.5(viii) and
are included as depicted in the table given below in place of the subject name Design and Technology which was under the Subject No:12.5(vii) in the circular above referred to. 

As such, the subject names indicated under Subject No:12.5(viii), 12.5(ix) and 12.5(x) have been indicated under Subject No:12.5(x), 12.5(xi) and 12.5(xii) respectively.

The subject Korean Language has been newly included under Subject No:12.8(I) and 12.9(liii) for G.C.E. Advanced Level.

Click Below for the Amendment Circular  2021/06(1)

Click Below for the Circular 2021/06 Below in Sinhala and Tamil


Salary and Pension Dates - 2025


Circular regarding the use of school textbooks


Circular - Establishment of Young Inventor Clubs at the schools


Circular - Absorbing to National Service from Provincial Service
July 24, 2024

Circular - Absorbing to National Service from Provincial Service

Public Service Commission has released a circular on 24th of July 2024 on Absorption into a parallel post in the national service of an officer holding a permanent post in the provincial public service at the request of the officer.

Officers Service
  • Nursing
  • Supplementary to medicine or paramedical Service
  • Teachers' Service

Click below for the Circular


Directory of Public Administration Circulars published 1988-2020


Tuition ban for North Central  Province  Teachers, ISA's and Principals for their school students


Circular - Trade Union Representatives to Annual Transfer Committee


Sanitary Pad Vouchers for School Girls
June 10, 2024

Sanitary Pad Vouchers for School Girls

Education Ministry has released the Circular on Providing sanitary Pad Vouchers for School Girls and Instructions to the shop owners to register their Shops.

Voucher Validity Period has been extended till August 10, 2024

Click Below for the Circulars in Sinhala, Tamil and English

Click Below to Register the Shop


All island Mathematics Tournament – 13/2024 Circular


Circular - Procedure on Vouchers of Sanitary Pads for School GIrls


GCE A/L 2026 Academic Starts on June 04, 2024


Vesak Week Circular


Circular - Granting Pension to employees whose appointment has been confirmed after the age of 45


Grama Niladhari Allowances Increased.
April 05, 2024

Grama Niladhari Allowances Increased.

Ministry of Homa Affairs has released a special Circular on Increasing Grama Niladhari Allowances.

Office Allowance
Within Municipal Council Limit - 3000

Within Divisional Secretariat Limit - 2000

Annual Stationary Allowance - 3000

Circular is attached Below


Special Selection Procedure - Equal Marks in Written Exam
March 21, 2024

Special Selection Procedure - Equal Marks in Written Exam

Public Service Commission has released the special selection procedure to be followed in Instances Where the Number of Candidates with Equal Marks Exceeds the Remainder of the Advertised Number of Vacancies in Recruitments Made Solely Based on the Results of Written Examinations

Click Below for the Circular

Click Below for the Content of the selection procedure


School Uniform Circular and Forms - 2024


Guidelines on School Infrastructure and Environmental Arrangement 02|2024 Circular




Learning Materials for Students