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Results Released - University Selection (2023A/L)

Results Released - University Selection (2023A/L)

University Grant Commission Has released the results of University Selection for the 2023 GCE A/L Batch. 

You can Check it around 6 pm today. It will be released to the website at 6 pm TODAY

Sat for the Exam - 269 613
Qualified to Apply - 173 444

Applied  - 87 723
Selected - 41 895

Selected Students, Streamwise
Bio Science - 9963
Physical Science - 7609
Commerce - 8080
Arts - 11 601
E Tech 2377
BST -  1545
Others  - 720

You can Check Your Selection Via SMS too

UGC index No and Send to 1919 

For More Information
0112 695 301
0112 695 302

Appeal Should be forwarded within 4 Weeks from Today

Click below to Check your Selected Course and University.

Click Below for the A Score Cut of District wise

Click  Below for the Guide Book for More Details on University Entrance




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