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National Curriculum Framework

National Curriculum Framework

First, Just get some idea on  New National Curriculum Frame Work

  • To lay the foundation to creating a citizen ready for the challenges of and beyond the 21st century, and to contribute to the process of sustainable national development and peace of the country.
Specific Features of the Proposed NCF up to Grade 11
  • A module-based school credit system (36 credits a term/360 hours)
  • Reducing the number of subjects tested at the G.C.E. (O/L) to 7 and categorization of subjects under the area of essential learning as two groups based on the nature of the subject
  • More weight on qualitative assessment
  • Authentic learning activities powered by blended learning.
  • Further learning modules addressing regional needs and specializations
  • Further learning areas focusing G.C.E. (A/L) and further education
  • Introduction of ILs
  • Teacher training through ARH
Implementation Process
2025 - Grade 1,6,10
2026 - Grade 2,7,11
2027 - Grade 3,8,12
2028 - Grade 4, 9, 13
2029 - Grade 5

National Exams
GCE O/L - 2026
GCE A/L - 2028

Click Below for the Interim Report 1 on New National Curriculum  Framework released in August 2024




Learning Materials for Students