Special Gazette has been issued for Justices of the Peace on Regulations and Code Of Conduct.
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Freezing Order on funds and assets under regulation 5 of the united Nations act , no 45 of 1698 has been declared.Click Below for the Order NoticeIN S...
Special Gazette has been released on Aswesuma Welfare Benefit payment Scheme for the Year 2024.Details of Categories, Payment Period, Amount and Famil...
Special Gazette was released on 21st of May 2024. You can get the Special Gazette in Sinhala, Tamil and English BelowClick Below for the GazetteSinhalaTAMILENGLISH
Special Gazette has been released on publishing the Service minute of the Sri Lanka Sate Audit Service.Effective From 16.01.2024Service CategoriesSeni...