GCE O/L 2024 - Supportive Seminar Papers

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Department of Debt Conciliation Board

Department of Debt Conciliation Board

M.P Kumara from Kotadeniyawa has published an article of a suicide of a man on Dinamina 24th of April 2023.

He mentioned that the father of two who jumped on a train and committed suicide due to the mortgage of the house he lived in and the amount of debt he had to pay.

And he highlighted the Dept Relief Board and mentioned that, the  children would not have lost their beloved father if they had known that there was an institution called 'Debt Relief Board' which was established with the aim of providing a relief program to the people who were affected by debt transactions related to immovable property.

Click Below for the Details on Department of Dept Conciliation Board

Paper Article Attached Below




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