GCE O/L 2024 - Supportive Seminar Papers

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Competition : English language teaching and training  (British Council)

Competition : English language teaching and training (British Council)

Competition : English language teaching and training  (British Council),Competition : English language teaching and training  (British Council),Competition : English language teaching and training  (British Council),Competition : English language teaching and training  (British Council),Competition : English language teaching and training  (British Council)                                                   -MR Abdul Rahuman-

The English Language Teaching competition grew out of our work with teacher educators, both pre and in -service, in the state sector in Sri Lanka. This work falls under our larger TRANSFORM programme. From 2017 the Improving Teacher Education in Sri Lanka (iTESL) Project has been running. Materials were developed based on the needs of both sectors. Teacher educator courses were delivered to over 100 teacher educators in the National Colleges of Education and mentoring and ELT methodology courses were delivered to over 200 in-service advisors and senior teachers.
    Target Audience
  • Citizens of Sri Lanka
  • All secondary school government sector English language teachers in either government schools or government-approved private schools
  • All English teacher educators in pre and in-service sectors (i.e. lecturers in National Colleges of Education, Teacher training colleges, Teacher Centres, Regional English Support Centre resource people, In-Service Advisors)
    What can you win?
  • Win a trip to the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language (IATEFL) 2020 in Manchester in the UK in April
  • Win a Samsung Galaxy Tab A 10.0” (2019) 64GB to help with your lesson planning
  • Win a class set of English language coursebooks or a set of English language methodology books for your institution
  • Win the chance to contribute to a bank of online resources for English language teachers and teacher educators in Sri Lanka
  • Win a chance to attend the Sri Lankan English Language Teacher Educator Conference (SLELTEC) in March 2020
  • All shortlisted entries meeting the guidelines below will receive a joint British Council / Ministry of Education certificate of participation
Deadline for submission is 15 December 2019

Click Below for Further Details

Competition : English language teaching and training  (British Council),Competition : English language teaching and training  (British Council),Competition : English language teaching and training  (British Council),Competition : English language teaching and training  (British Council),Competition : English language teaching and training  (British Council)                                                   -MR Abdul Rahuman-




Learning Materials for Students