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Undergraduate Scholarships offered by Lovely Professional University (LPU) India

Undergraduate Scholarships offered by Lovely Professional University (LPU)
India for the year 2018

Applications are invited from the Sri Lankan students for the award of the above Undergraduate Scholarships offered by Lovely Professional University (LPU), India, for the academic year 2018. 

General Eligibility

  1. Should below 22 years of age as at 15.03.2018. 
  2. Should have passed all subjects in G.C.E. A/L Examination  
  3. Proficiency in English. 
  4. Should be in good health and ready to live in India during the period of study.


  1. B. Tech Engineering (4 Years)
  2. B.Sc. Food Technology (3 Years) 
  3. B.Sc. Computer Science (3 Years) 
  4. B.Sc. Hotel Management (3 Years) 
  5. B.Sc. Microbiology (3 Years)
  6. B.Sc. Biotechnology (3 Years) 
  7. BBA (3 Years) 
  8. B.Sc. Economics (3 Years) 
  9. B.Com 3 Years
  10. B.Sc. Fashion Design (3 Years) 
  11. B.Sc. Design (Film & TV Production) (3 Years) 
  12. B. Pharmacy (4 Years) 
  13. B.Sc. Airlines, Tourism and Hospitality Management (3 years)

Approximately Indian rupees 90,000 cost to be incurred by the student annually for food and accommodation. More details of the University and the Programmes are available in the University website: www.lpu.in 


  • Every application should conform to the specimen form provided. 
  • The words "Lovely Professional University (LPU) Scholarships, 2018" should be hand or typewritten on top left corner of the envelope containing the application. 
  • Any statement in the application, which is found to be incorrect before selection, will render the applicant liable to disqualification. If such inaccuracy is found after selection it will lead to the withdrawal of the award. 
  • Closing Date: 15th March 2018 
  • Applications should be sent to   
                         Ministry of Higher Education and Highways
                         Higher Education Division
                         No.18, Ward Place
                         Colombo 07. 

 for application and instruction click below link

Application & Instructions




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