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Teaching : Eastern Province (HND Holders)


Message for Principals : School Admission
September 16, 2020

Message for Principals : School Admission

Source :
ජනාධිපතිතුමාගේ, අග්‍රාමාත්‍යතුමාගේ සහ ඉහළ පෙළේ රාජ්‍ය නිලධාරීන්ගේ නම් සඳහන් කරමින්, පාසල්වලට ළමයින් ඇතුළත් කර ගන්නා ලෙස කරන ඉල්ලීම් නොපැකිළ ප්‍රතික්ෂේප කරන්නැයි සියලු විදුහල්පතිවරුනට උපදෙස් දෙනු ලැබේ.

ජනාධිපතිතුමාගේ, ජනාධිපති කාර්යාලයේ නිලධාරීන්ගේ, අග්‍රාමාත්‍යතුමාගේ, අග්‍රාමාත්‍ය කාර්යාලයේ නිලධාරීන්ගේ සහ වෙනත් ඉහළ පෙළේ රාජ්‍ය නිලධාරීන්ගේ නියෝගයක් බව සඳහන් කොට
පාසල්වලට ළමයින් ඇතුළත් කර ගන්නා ලෙස බලපෑම් කරමින් විදුහල්පතිවරුන් වෙත ලිපි යොමු කිරීමට ඇතැම් දෙනා පෙළඹී සිටිති. සමහර අවස්ථාවල රජයේ නිලධාරීන් ද මෙවැනි ලිපි යවන බව නිරීක්ෂණය කර ඇත.

විදුහල්පතිවරුන් තම පාසලට ළමයින් ඇතුළත් කර ගැනීමේ දී එබඳු කිසිදු ලිපියක් පදනම් කර නොගත යුතුය. ළමයින් පාසල්වලට ඇතුළත් කළ යුත්තේ සම්මත රෙගුලාසි සහ පරිපාටිය අනුවම පමණි.

මේ නියමය කඩකරන විදුහල්පතිවරුනට එරෙහිව දැඩි පියවර ගන්නා බව ජනාධිපති ලේකම්වරයා සියලු විදුහල්පතිවරුනට දැනුම් දෙයි.

-ජනාධිපති මාධ්‍ය අංශය-

ஜனாதிபதி, பிரதமர் மற்றும் உயர் அரச அலுவலர்களின் பெயர்களைக் குறிப்பிட்டு, பாடசாலைக்கு மாணவர்களை சேர்த்துக்கொள்ள விடுக்கப்படும் கோரிக்கைகளை   எந்தவித தயக்கமுமின்றி நிராகரிக்குமாறு பாடசாலை அதிபர்களுக்கு அறிவுறுத்தல்கள் வழங்கப்பட்டுள்ளன.

ஜனாதிபதி, ஜனாதிபதி செயலகத்தின் அதிகாரிகள், பிரதமர், பிரதமர் அலுவலக அதிகாரிகள் மற்றும் பிற உயர் அரசு அதிகாரிகளின் வேண்டுகோள் எனக் குறிப்பிட்டு, சிலர் பாடசாலைகளில் பிள்ளைகளை சேர்க்குமாறு வலியுறுத்தி அதிபர்களுக்கு கடிதங்களை அனுப்புகின்றனர்.

சில சந்தர்ப்பங்களில் அரச அதிகாரிகளும் இதுபோன்ற கடிதங்களை முன்வைப்பது அவதானிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.

அத்தகைய எந்தவொரு சிபாரிசு கடிதத்தினை கொண்டும் மாணவர்களை பாடசாலைக்கு அனுமதிக்காது,  முறையான விதிமுறைகள் மற்றும் நடைமுறைகளின்படி மட்டுமே பிள்ளைகளை பாடசாலைகளில் அனுமதிக்க வேண்டும்.

இந்த விதியை மீறும் அதிபர்கள் மீது கடுமையான நடவடிக்கை எடுக்கப்படும் என்று ஜனாதிபதியின் செயலாளரினால் அனைத்து அதிபர்களுக்கும் அறிவுறுத்தல் வழங்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.
SBA Guide (Grade 6 - 13) : 2017 Onwards
September 16, 2020

SBA Guide (Grade 6 - 13) : 2017 Onwards


Sinhala and Tamil Guidelines Attached

It is anticipated to implement the school based assessment program within the school system in a newly manner, aiming at empowering the learning teaching process effectively by considering the current trends and innovations in Education.

This program must be implemented for all subjects taught in 6-13 Grades. It is compulsory to implement one assessment stage each for a term for every subject taught in Grades 6-13. This assessment program will be implemented aiming at providing feedback to the students to reach the expected competency level by identifying their ability levels existed. However, teachers can implement a number of more assessment stages according to their preference.

Grade 6 - 9

Grade 10, 11 

 Grade 12,13

Sinhala Guidelines

Tamil Guidelienes

Online Application : Ranabima Royal College
September 16, 2020

Online Application : Ranabima Royal College

Online Application 
Grade 06 (2021) 
Ranabima Royal College : Gannoruwa 

සිසුන් ඇතුලත් කිරීම 
රණබිම රාජකීය විද්‍යාලය
ரனபிம ரோயல் கல்லூரிக்கு 
மாணவர்களை அனுமதித்தல் 

Special Note : This portal only for the schools. If parent need to apply, please contact your school principal. Applications should be forwarded via school principals only. (DO NOT apply as individuals. Those applications will be rejected)

Applications are invited for Grade 6 Admission (2021) to Ranbaima Royal College (Gannnoruwa) . Closing Date 25.09.2020

Online Application Guidelines 
(Technical help:0771366504)

Click Below for Online Application
Online Application

Admission Card : EB Exam (MSO)
September 16, 2020

Admission Card : EB Exam (MSO)

EB Exam for officers in Grade III of Management Services Officers' Service will be held on 27th September 2020. Admission cards and Time Tables have been dispatched to the addresses given the applications or the head of relevant Institutes.

You can Download via Online too.

Click Below to Download Admission Card


Pass Papers : Official Languages (Written Exam)
Important Message for Principals and Teachers (Punishment for Students)
September 15, 2020

Important Message for Principals and Teachers (Punishment for Students)

Important Message for

Principals and Teachers

(Punishment for Students)

විදුහල්පතිවරුන් සහ ගුරුවරුන් සඳහා වැදගත් පණිවිඩය (සිසුන්ට දඬුවම් කිරීම)

அதிபர்களுக்கும் ஆசிரியர்களுக்கும் முக்கியமான செய்தி (மாணவர்களுக்கான தண்டனை)

 බාල­ව­ය­ස්කාර දරු­ව­කුට හිංසා කළ විදු­හ­ල්ප­තිට අත්හිටුවූ සිර දඬු­වම්

Source : Dinamin Paper 15 Sep 2020

By : සිතාරා සේනානි

වයස අවු­රුදු 12ක බාල­ව­ය­ස්කාර පිරිමි දරු­ව­කුට කෘෘර ලෙස පහර දීමේ චෝද­නා­වට වර­ද­කරු වූ විදු­හ­ල්ප­ති­ව­ර­ය­කුට වසර 2ක බර­ප­තළ වැඩ සහිත සිර දඬු­වම් නියම කර, එම දඬු­වම වසර 5කට අත්හි­ටුවා රුපි­යල් 5000ක දඩ මුද­ලක් ගෙවී­මට කොළඹ මහා­ධි­ක­ර­ණය නියම කළ බව ජාතික ළමා ආර­ක්ෂණ අධි­කා­රිය පැව­සීය.

එසේම, වර­ද­කරු දඩ මුදල නොගෙ­වන්නේ නම්, මාස 3ක සිර දඬු­වම් නියම කර ඇති අතර, වින්දිත බාල­ව­ය­ස්කාර පිරිමි දරු­වාට රුපි­යල් 25,000ක වන්දි මුද­ලක් ගෙවී­මට ද නියම කර ඇත. වන්දි මුදල දරු­වාට නොගෙ­වන්නේ නම්, වස­රක සිර දඬු­වම් ලබා දීමට ද නියම කර තිබේ.

2013 වසරේ සිදුව ඇති මෙම පහ­ර­දීම සම්බ­න්ධ­යෙන් ජාතික ළමා ආර­ක්ෂණ අධි­කා­රිය වෙත ලැබී තිබූ පැමි­ණි­ල්ල­කට අනුව, එම අධි­කා­රියේ විශේෂ පොලිස් විම­ර්ශන ඒක­කය විම­ර්ශ­න­යක් සිදු­කර කොළඹ ප්‍රදේ­ශයේ පදිංචි 52 හැවි­රිදි මෙම සැක­කරු අත්අ­ඩං­ගු­වට ගෙන තිබේ. අන­තු­රුව නීති­ප­ති­ව­රයා සැක­ක­රුට එරෙ­හිව කොළඹ මහා­ධි­ක­ර­ණයේ නඩු පව­රී­මෙන් පසු, තමා වර­ද­කරු බව සැක­කරු පිළි­ගෙන තිබේ. ඒ අනුව මහා­ධි­ක­ර­ණය ඔහුට එරෙ­හිව දඬු­වම් නියම කර ඇත.

12 வயது மாணவனை கடுமையாக தாக்கிய அதிபருக்கு 2 வருட கடூழியச் சிறை தண்டனையும், 5 வருட பணிநீக்கமும், 5000 ரூபா தண்டப்பணம் செலுத்தவும் நீதிமன்றம் உத்தரவு பிரப்பித்தது.

தண்டப்பணம் வழங்கப்படாவிடின், மேலும் 3 மாத சிறைத்தண்டனையும், மாணவனுக்கு 25 000 நஸ்ட ஈடும் வழங்க உத்தரவு பிறப்பிக்கப்பட்டது. நஸ்டஈடு வழங்கப்படாவிடின் மேலும் ஒரு வருட சிறைத்தன்டனைக்கான உத்தரவும் பிறப்பிக்கப்பட்டது.

2013 ஆம் ஆண்டு நடைபெற்ற இச்சம்பவத்தில் 52 வயதான மேற்படி நபர் நீதிமன்றில் தாம் செய்த குற்றத்தை ஒப்புக் கொண்டதன் பின்னர் மேற்படி தீர்ப்பு வழங்கப்பட்டது.


Guru Gedara : TV Time Table (Sep 14 - 20)
September 14, 2020

Guru Gedara : TV Time Table (Sep 14 - 20)


Guru Gedara TV Time Table
Sep 14 - 20
ගුරු ගෙදර අධ්‍යාපන නාලිකා කාලසටහන
குருகுலம் கல்வி அலைவரிசை : நேர அட்டவணை

Click Below for Nenasa Educational Mobile App

Click Below for Their Official You Tube Channel

Monday Sep 14 

Tuesday Sep 15

Wednesday  Sep 16

Thursday  Sep 17

Friday  Sep 18

Saturday  Sep 19

Sunday  Sep 20

Vacancies in Daily News Paper (14 Sep 2020)
September 14, 2020

Vacancies in Daily News Paper (14 Sep 2020)

Here we have listed the Vacancies which are published on Daily News Paper 14 Sep 2020.

Civil Aviation Authority of Sri lanka
Additional Director General
Deputy Director General (Aeronautical Services Regulation)
Deputy Director General (Flight Safety Regulation)
Deputy Director General (Corporate Management)
Director (Aviation)
Director (Aircraft Registration and Airworthiness)

Closing Date 28. 09. 2020

Sabragamuwa Province
Zonal Director of Education
Closing Date 12 Oct 2020

University of Colombo
Professor : Department of Demography
Lecturer (Probationary/Unconfirmed/Senior Grade): Department of Sociology (Tamil Medium)
Instructor in Computer Technology : Computer Unit
Lecturer (Probationary/Unconfirmed/Senior Grade) : Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology)
Lecturer (Probationary/Unconfirmed/Senior Grade) : Department of Surgery)
Lecturer (Probationary/Unconfirmed/Senior Grade) : Department of Allied Health Science)
Lecturer (Probationary/Unconfirmed/Senior Grade) : Department of Anatomy)
Lecturer (Probationary/Unconfirmed/Senior Grade) : Virtual and Distance learning Centre
Lecturer (Probationary/Unconfirmed/Senior Grade) : Department of Mathematics
Temporary Assistant Lecturer : Faculty of Graduate Studies

Closing Date 05 Oct 2020

Southern Provincial Council
Road Development Authority

Associate Officer
Management Assistant
Closing Date 29.09.2020

University of Kelaniya
Lecturer (Probationary / Unconfirmed/ Senior Grade)
Engineering Discipline (Dep of Applied Computing)
Science Discipline (Dep of Applied Computing)
Computer Engineering Discipline (Dep of Software Engineering)
Computer Science Discipline (Dep of Software Engineering)
Engineering Discipline (Dep of Computer System Engineering)
Computer Science / IT Discipline (Dep of Computer System Engineering)
Mathematics Discipline (Dep of Computer System Engineering)
Closing Date 30 Sep 2020

Consumer Affair Authority
Assistant Director (Legal and Enforcement)
Assistant Director (Admin & HR)
Assistant Director (Regional Affair)
Assistant Director (Consumer Affairs & Information)
Assistant Director (Competition Promotion)
Assistant Director (Pricing and Management)
System Administrator
Data Co ordinator

Closing Date 28.09.2020

Click Below for Details (Or Read Daily News 14 Sep 2020)




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