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Salary and Pension Dates : Public Servants 2020
September 08, 2019

Salary and Pension Dates : Public Servants 2020

Salary Dates of the public servants for the year of 2020 has been released.

Salary Dates For Teachers 2020
January 20
February 19
March 19 
April 08
May 20
June 18
July 20
August 20
September 18 
October 20 
November 19
December 18

Pension Dates 2020
January 09
February 10
March 10 
April 06
May  06
June 10
July 10
August 10
September 10
October 06
November 10
December 10

Click Below for Circular

Salary Dates 2020,Pension Dates 2020, Public Servants, Armed Forces,Salary Dates 2020,Pension Dates 2020, Public Servants, Armed Forces,Salary Dates 2020,Pension Dates 2020, Public Servants, Armed Forces


Certificate in Chinese Language : University of Peradeniya
September 06, 2019

Certificate in Chinese Language : University of Peradeniya

Applications are invited for Certificate in Chinese language course by University of Peradeniya  This course is designed for the students in the university of Peradeniya and external students who are interested in Chinese Language.

Medium English

Closing Date 22.09.2019
Course Fee 20 000
Duration 4 Months

Certificate in Chinese Langage, Guruwaraya,Courses, University of Peradeniya,Certificate in Chinese Langage, Guruwaraya,Courses, University of Peradeniya, Certificate in Chinese Langage, Guruwaraya,Courses, University of Peradeniya, 
Postal Voting : Elpitiya Local Government Election 2019
September 06, 2019

Postal Voting : Elpitiya Local Government Election 2019

Election Department says the Closing date of the postal Vote Application for Elpitiya Local Government election is 13.09.2019. Click Below for the link for the notice given by election department. 

Click Below for Details of Elpitiya Local Government Election 2019

Election,postal vote, Local Government, Public Officers,Election,postal vote, Local Government, Public Officers,Election,postal vote, Local Government, Public Officers,
Collecting Information of Public Officers for Election Purposes
September 06, 2019

Collecting Information of Public Officers for Election Purposes

Election Commission has requested the head of departments to collect the information of public officers for the election purposes. for this process department has released a Special Circular. It contains all details and information regarding the process of collecting information.

Please refer the gazette, for which post you can apply for the election duties and more.

Click Below for the Circular

Click Below for Forms (COPEC-F1, COPEC-F2, COPEC-F3)

Election, Duties, Public Officers, Election Duty, Government Officers, Sri Lanka Election, Guruwaraya, News,Election, Duties, Public Officers, Election Duty, Government Officers, Sri Lanka Election, Guruwaraya, NewsElection, Duties, Public Officers, Election Duty, Government Officers, Sri Lanka Election, Guruwaraya, News

Important Notices on Today's Gazette (06.09.2019)
September 06, 2019

Important Notices on Today's Gazette (06.09.2019)

Here we have listed the important notices on Today's gazette paper. Please Click the links at bottom to download the gazette paper for more details.
  • රෙජිස්ට්‍රාර් ජනරාල් දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව
    • මුස්ලිම් විවාහ ලියාපදිංචි කිරීමේ රෙජිස්ට්‍රාර් තනතුරු 
      • පුත්තලම දිස්ත්‍රික්කය
  • රෙජිස්ට්‍රාර් ජනරාල් දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව
    • උප්පැන්න, මරණ හා විවාහ/අතිරේක විවාහ (උඩරට/සාමාන්‍ය) රෙජිස්ට්‍රාර් තනතුරු 
      • කොළඹ දිස්ත්‍රික්කය
  • රෙජිස්ට්‍රාර් ජනරාල් දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව
    • උප්පැන්න, මරණ හා විවාහ/අතිරේක විවාහ (උඩරට/සාමාන්‍ය) රෙජිස්ට්‍රාර් තනතුරු 
      • කළුතර දිස්ත්‍රික්කය
  • රෙජිස්ට්‍රාර් ජනරාල් දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව
    • උප්පැන්න, මරණ හා විවාහ/අතිරේක විවාහ (උඩරට/සාමාන්‍ය) රෙජිස්ට්‍රාර් තනතුරු 
      • ගම්පහ දිස්ත්‍රික්කය
  • රෙජිස්ට්‍රාර් ජනරාල් දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව
    • උප්පැන්න හා මරණ රෙජිස්ට්‍රාර් තනතුරු 
      • පුත්තලම දිස්ත්‍රික්කය
  • රාජ්‍ය සේවා කොමිෂන් සභාවේ සෞඛ්‍ය සේවා කමිටුව
    • සෞඛ්‍ය, පෝෂණ සහ දේශීය වෛද්‍ය අමාත්‍යාංශයෙහි විධායක සේවා ගණය (ප්‍රධාන නීති නිලධාරී) තනතුරට බඳවා ගැනීම - 2019
  • රාජ්‍ය පරිපාලන, ආපදා කළමනාකරණ සහ පශ= සම්පත් සංවර්ධන අමාත්‍යාංශ
    • ශ්‍රී ලංකා පරිපාලන සේවයේ, ශ්‍රී ලංකා ඉංජිනේරු සේවයේ, ශ්‍රී ලංකා විද්‍යාත්මක සේවයේ, ශ්‍රී ලංකා වාස්තු විද්‍යාත්මක සේවයේ, ශ්‍රී ලංකා ගණකාධිකාරී සේවයේ සහ ශ්‍රී ලංකා ක්‍රමසම්පාදන සේවයේ නිලධාරීන් සඳහා වන පළමුවන කාර්යක්ෂමතා කඩඉම් විභාගය - 2018 (i) සහ ශ්‍රී ලංකා පරිපාලන සේවයේ, ශ්‍රී ලංකා ගණකාධිකාරී සේවයේ සහ ශ්‍රී ලංකා ක්‍රමසම්පාදන සේවයේ නිලධාරීන් සඳහා වන දෙවන කාර්යක්ෂමතා කඩඉම් විභාගය - 2018 (ii)
  • ශ්‍රී ලංකා දුම්රිය දෙපාර්තමේන්තුවේ දුම්රිය අධීක්ෂණ කළමනාකරණ සේවයේ ෂෂෂ ශ්‍රේ‚යේ තනතුරු සඳහා බඳවා ගැනීම - 2019
    • අධීක්ෂණ කළමනාකරු (ස්ථීර මාර්ග) - iii ශ්‍රේ‚ය
    • අධීක්ෂණ කළමනාකරු (පාලම්) - iii ශ්‍රේ‚ය
    • අධීක්ෂණ කළමනාකරු (ගොඩනැගිලි) - iii ශ්‍රේ‚ය
    • අධීක්ෂණ කළමනාකරු (කර්මාන්තශාලා) - iii ශ්‍රේ‚ය
    • අධීක්ෂණ කළමනාකරු (ධාවනාගාර) - iii ශ්‍රේ‚ය
  • ශ්‍රී ලංකා සුරාබදු දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව
    • සුරාබදු නියාමක රියැදුරු තනතුර සඳහා බඳවා ගැනීමේ විවෘත තරග විභාගය - 2019
  • ශ්‍රී ලංකා මිනින්දෝරු දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව
    • ශ්‍රී ලංකා මිනින්දෝරු දෙපාර්තමේන්තුවෙහි පුරප්පාඩුව පවත්නා ප්‍රාථමික අර්ධ ශිල්පීය සේවා ගණයේ මැනුම් ක්ෂේත්‍ර සහායක තනතුරුවලට බඳවා ගැනීම 

  • பதிவாளர் நாயகம் திணைக்களம்
    • பிறப்புஇ இறப்பு மற்றும் விவாகம்ஃ மேலதிக விவாகம் (கண்டியஃ பொது) பதிவாளர் பதவி - கம்பஹா மாவட்டம்
  • பதிவாளர் நாயகம் திணைக்களம்
    • பிறப்புஇ இறப்பு மற்றும் விவாகம்ஃ மேலதிக விவாகம் (கண்டியஃ பொது) பதிவாளர் பதவி - களுத்துறை மாவட்டம்
  • பதிவாளர் நாயகம் திணைக்களம்
    • பிறப்புஇ இறப்பு மற்றும் விவாகம்ஃ மேலதிக விவாகம் (கண்டியஃ பொது) பதிவாளர் பதவி - கொழும்பு மாவட்டம
  • பதிவாளர் நாயகம் திணைக்களம்
    • பிறப்பு மற்றும் இறப்பு பதிவாளர் பதவி - புத்தளம் மாவட்டம
  • பதிவாளர் நாயகம் திணைக்களம்
    • முஸ்லிம் விவாகம் பதிவூ செய்தல் பதிவாளர் பதவி - புத்தளம் மாவட்டம்
  • அரசாங்க சேவைகள் ஆணைக்குழுவின் சுகாதார சேவைகள் குழு சுகாதாரஇ போசணை மற்றும் சுதேச வைத்திய அமைச்சின் நிறைவேற்று சேவை வகைக்குரிய (பிரதான சட்ட அலுவலா;) பதவிக்கான ஆட்சோ;ப்பு - 2019
  • இலங்கை நிலஅளவைத் திணைக்களம் 
    • இலங்கை நிலஅளவைத் திணைக்களத்தில் வெற்றிடம் நிலவூம் ஆரம்பமட்ட- பகுதித் தோ;ச்சிபெற்ற சேவைத் தொகுதியில் பதவிகளுக்கு ஆட்சோ;ப்புச் செய்தல் – நில அளவைக் கள உதவியாளா;கள
  • பொது நிர்வாக, அனர்த்த முகாமைத்துவ மற்றும் கால்நடை அபிவிருத்தி அமைச்சு
    • இலங்கை நிh;வாக சேவை, இலங்கைப் பொறியியல் சேவை, இலங்கை விஞ்ஞான சேவை, இலங்கைக் கட்டடக் கலைஞா் சேவை, இலங்கைக் கணக்காளா் சேவை மற்றும் இலங்கைத் திட்டமிடல் சேவையிலுள்ள அலுவலர்களுக்கான முதலாவது வினைத்திறன்காண் தடைதாண்டல் பரீட்சை -2018 (I) மற்றும் இலங்கை நிர்வாக சேவை, இலங்கை கணக்காளா் சேவை மற்றும் இலங்கைத் திட்டமிடல் சேவையிலுள்ள அலுவலர்களுக்கான இரண்டாம் வினைத்திறன்காண் தடைதாண்டல் பரீட்சை - 2018 (II)
  • இலங்கைப் புகையிரதத் திணைக்களத்தின் புகையிரத பரிசோதகர் தரம் III க்கு இணைந்து கொள்ளுதல் - 2019
    • பரிசோதகர் (பாதை) - தரம் III
    • பரிசோதகர் (பாலம்) - தரம் III
    • பரிசோதகர் (கட்டிடம்) - தரம் III
    • பரிசோதகர் (வேலைதளம்) - தரம் III
    • பரிசோதகர் (இயக்கத்தளம்) - தரம் III
  • இலங்கை மதுவரித் திணைக்களம்
    • மதுவரிக் காவலாளர் சாரதி பதவியில் ஆட்சேர்ப்புச் செய்யப்படும் திறந்த போட்டிப் பரீட்சை - 2019 

Click Below for gazette
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Certificate Course : Psychology and Basic Counselling Skills - University of Peradeniya
September 05, 2019

Certificate Course : Psychology and Basic Counselling Skills - University of Peradeniya

Applications are invited for Certificate Course in Psychology and Basic Counselling Skills by University of Peradeniya.

Passed in GCE A/L

Medium Sinhala Tamil English
Duration 6 months (Sat 9 - 4)

Course Fee 15 000
Closing Date 20.09.2019

Curriculum Vitae, Copies of the education qualifications & self addressed envelop with the stamps should be sent to the below mentioned address (Please mention the medium you prefer to follow the course on the right side of the application)

Coordinator (CCP)
Department of Psychology
Faculty of Arts
University of Peradeniya

Contact 0812 39 26 51

Guruwaraya, Teacher, Courses, Psychology, Peradeniya, Counselling Guruwaraya, Teacher, Courses, Psychology, Peradeniya, Counselling Guruwaraya, Teacher, Courses, Psychology, Peradeniya, Counselling 


Practical Test Name List : Graduate Teaching (Counseling)
September 04, 2019

Practical Test Name List : Graduate Teaching (Counseling)

Ministry of education has released the name List for thge practical test of Practical Test to Recruit Graduates To Grade 3-1(A) Of Sri Lanka Teachers’ Service for Sinhala and Tamil Medium School Student Counselling in National and Provincial Schools in the Island - (2018) 2019

Click Below for Respective List
Sinhala Medium

Tamil Medium
National School 
North Western 

Sabaragamuwa Province 
Interview, Practical Test, Counselling Teaching, Graduate Teaching, Sabaragamuwa,North Western , National,Interview, Practical Test, Counselling Teaching, Graduate Teaching, Sabaragamuwa,North Western , National,Interview, Practical Test, Counselling Teaching, Graduate Teaching, Sabaragamuwa,North Western , National
Rules and Regulations for School Work Assistants : North Western Province
September 04, 2019

Rules and Regulations for School Work Assistants : North Western Province


  1. The working hours for School Work Assistants shall be from 7.00 a.m. to 3.45 p.m. Provided that they may leave after closing of the school unless engaged in a special duty. 
  2. The short leave shall be 1 hour and 30 minutes from 7.00 a.m. to 8.30 a.m. or 2.15 p.m. to 3.45p.m., before lunch or after lunch, in a manner which does not affect duty. 
  3. Half day leave shall be 04 hours up to 11.00 a.m. or from 11.45.a.m. 
  4.  Establishment Code and the circular concerned shall be applicable for other leave. 
  5. The principal must call for another female employee or a lady teacher in case of employing a female School Work Assistant in duty after school or on a school holiday
  6. Male School Work Assistants should wear a shirts and trousers and the female School Work Assistants shall wear a sari decently to suit for school environment during work. 
  7. The principal should assign duties which assist the office functions to School Work Assistants. 
  8. The Department of Provincial Education shall issue Identity cards for School Work Assistants.
Click Below for Details in

guruwaraya,news,School,north western province, School Work Assistants, Duties,guruwaraya,news,School,north western province, School Work Assistants, Duties
,guruwaraya,news,School,north western province, School Work Assistants, Duties


O/L Science - Model Paper Series (NIE - 2016 Publication)
September 03, 2019

O/L Science - Model Paper Series (NIE - 2016 Publication)

National Institute of Education has released  series of Papers for Science Subject for G.C.E. O/L . Here we have  given  the paper series which belongs to new Syllabus (After 2016)
It contains several modal papers with answer scheme.

Grade 11 Model Papers (Science )
 Sinhala Medium  - With Answer

Click below to Download


Paper 1 
 Paper 2 
Paper 3
 Paper 4 
 Paper  5 
 Paper  6 
 Paper 7 
 Paper 8 
 Paper  9  Paper  10 
 Model Paper - Biology
Model Paper - Chemistry
Model Paper - Physics 

Grade 11 Model Papers (Science)
 Tamil Medium with Answer

Click below to Download

Physics Paper with answers

(Source : Ministry of Education)

Model Paper Book, NIE, Science, OL, Model Paper,guruwaraya,Education, teacher,Model Paper Book, NIE, Science, OL, Model Paper,guruwaraya,Education, teacher
,Model Paper Book, NIE, Science, OL, Model Paper,guruwaraya,Education, teacher




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