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Application : Entrance to Sri Lanka Law College - 2020
February 16, 2019

Application : Entrance to Sri Lanka Law College - 2020

Application forms for admission of students for the Academic Year 2020 will be available from 20th February, 2019 to 22nd March, 2019 in the Sri Lanka Law College Office on any working day from 9.00 a.m. and 12.30 noon and 1.30 p.m. to 3.00 p.m


  • Passed AL
  • C Pass in  English and Sinhala/Tamil in OL
  • 17 years completed on 22.03.2019

Entrance Exam in June
Closing Date 22.03.2019

Application and pass papers Rs 5 500


Application : Marking Examiners (G.C.E. A/L)
Application of Marking Examiners (Grade V Scholorship)


Sri Lanka Qualification Framework (SLQF)
February 14, 2019

Sri Lanka Qualification Framework (SLQF)

Sri Lanka Qualification Framework (SLQF) is a new framework aimed at improving quality of higher education and training through recognizing and accrediting qualifications offered by different institutions. It identifies different levels to which the qualifications offered in the entire higher education sector in Sri Lanka are included. It helps to interpret qualifications and judge the relative value of a qualification. This enables the learners to make informed decisions about the qualifications they intend to acquire.

Click Below for Details
Sinhala / Tamil / English

University Handbook 2018/2019 (E Book Released)
Registration Name List for BA External Degree Programme - Peradeniya University
February 14, 2019

Registration Name List for BA External Degree Programme - Peradeniya University

Name list  for the Interview for registration of Bachelor of Arts ( New (Syllabus) Degree Programme -2018 at the CDCE of the University of Peradeniya has been released.  Candidate will soon receive a formal letter by post with necessary instructions . 

ශාස්ත‍්‍රවේදී උපාධිය (බාහිර)-2018 පාඨමාලාවට ලියාපදිංච් වීම සඳහා

පේරාදෙණිය විශ්වවිද්‍යාලයේ දුරස්ථ හා අඛණ්ඩ අධ්‍යාපන කේන්ද්‍රයේ ශාස්ත‍්‍රවේදී උපාධිය (බාහිර)-2018 පාඨමාලාවට ලියාපදිංච් වීම සඳහා වූ සම්මුඛ පරීක්‍ෂණය සඳහා පහත අයඳුම්කරුවන් සුදුසුකම් ලබා ඇත අවශ්‍ය උපදෙස් සහිත ලිපියක් තැපැල් මාර්ගයෙන් ලගදීම ලැබෙනු ඇත.

Click Below for the List
Name List

Vacancy : Department of Probation and Child Care - North Central Province
February 14, 2019

Vacancy : Department of Probation and Child Care - North Central Province

උතුරු මැද පළාත් රාජ්‍ය සේවා කොමිෂන් සභාව 
උතුරු මැද පළාත් රාජ්‍ය සේවයේ පරිවාස හා ළමාරක්ෂක සේවා දෙපාර්තමේන්තුවේ පහත සඳහන් තනතුරු සඳහා විවෘත පදනම මත බඳවා ගැනීම 2019 
  1. උපදේශන නිලධාරි 
  2. වෘත්තීය උපදේශක
  3. සහකාරක මේට්‍රන් 
  4. උප වෝර්ඩ්න් 
  5.  අරක්කැමි 
  6. මුරකරු 
  7. කම්කරු 
  8. සනීපාරක්ෂක කම්කරු
வட மத்திய மாகாண அரசாங்க சேவை ஆணைக்குழு
வட மத்திய மாகாண அரசாங்க சேவையின் நன்னடத்தை மற்றும் சிறுவர் பாதுகாப்பு திணைக்களத்தின் பின்வரும் பதவிகளுக்காக திறந்த அடிப்படையில் ஆட்சேர்ப்பு 2019

  1. ஆலோசனை உத்தியோகத்தர்
  2. தொழில்சார் போதனாசிரியர்
  3. உதவி மேற்றன்
  4. துணை வோர்டன்
  5. சமையலாளர்
  6. காவற்காரர்
  7. தொழிலாளர்
  8. துப்புரவேற்பாட்டு தொழிலாளர்
Closing Date 14.03.2019
Dinamina 14.02.2019
Thinakarean 14.02.2019

Notice : Final Exam of Teachers' Training Colleges - 2018
February 14, 2019

Notice : Final Exam of Teachers' Training Colleges - 2018

All candidates are hereby notified that the results of the Final Examination of Teachers' Training Colleges 2018 held from 18.06.2018 to 01.07.2018 have been issued.

Any Issues regarding results should be submitted to Commissioner General of Exam within one month from the date of release of results.

0112 784 208
0113 188 350


Appointment List Step 2 : SLAS Grade III 2015 (2016)


Application : G.C.E.A/L  Exam 2019  for Private Candidates
February 12, 2019

Application : G.C.E.A/L Exam 2019 for Private Candidates

Applications of private applicants for the G.C.E.A/L 2019 Exam  will be received from 13.02.2019 to 01.03.2019. Each private applicant is advised to read and understand this notice fully in a careful manner and then should fill the application. Make sure to select exactly the correct Numbers when entering the Town Number and the Subject Numbers. Applicants are allowed to apply a maximum of three main subjects.

Closing Date 01.03.2019

Click Below for Application

Download List of Towns

Interview Name List : SLICT Service 3 - III  (Open)
Results Released : Guruvidyala Final Examination 2018




Learning Materials for Students