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BA in English and English Language Teaching (Open University)
October 27, 2019

BA in English and English Language Teaching (Open University)

Source : Open University
BA in English and English Language Teaching (Open University),BA in English and English Language Teaching (Open University),BA in English and English Language Teaching (Open University),BA in English and English Language Teaching (Open University)

The B.A in English and English Language Teaching is a four year special degree which includes the study of Applied Linguistics, English Language Teaching, Literature and relevant areas of Education. It is meant for anyone who wishes to enter the ELT profession and, would, therefore require a sound knowledge of the theories of ELT.

Entry Requirementsa
All applicants should be above 18 years of age.


b) Those who have passed all six courses of the OUSL Diploma in English Language and Literature programme will be permitted direct entry to the Bachelor of Arts in English and English Language Teaching programme. Applicants who qualify under this category should nevertheless submit an application before the closing date.

c) Those who have passed the OUSL Advanced Certificate in English, after 2012, (NOT Advanced Certificate in English for Business and Professional Communication offered by the OUSL) with the required grades will be permitted direct entry to the Bachelor of Arts in English and English Language Teaching programme. Applicants who qualify under this category should nevertheless submit an application before the closing date.

d) National Diploma in Teaching English (ESL) of two (02) years duration from a National College of Education (NCOE)

e) Any other recognized two (02) year teacher training qualification in Teaching English as a Second Language acceptable to the Senate of the OUSL.

f) Passed 3 subjects (including English Literature) at the GCE Advanced Level Examination or an equivalent qualification.

All the applicants except those applying under category (b) and (c) are required to sit for a Selection Test on 15th December 2019 from 10:00 am to 11:30 am to be held at all the 09 Regional Centres of OUSL (Colombo, Kandy, Matara, Anuradhapura, Batticaloa, Badulla, Kurunegala, Jaffna and Ratnapura).

Those who have successfully completed the Diploma in English and English Language Teaching programme which was offered by The Open University of Sri Lanka until 2013, can apply for the BA (Hons) in English and English Language Teaching and enter the program at Level 5, without having to sit the selection test. They will be given a credit transfer for the 12 courses completed at Diploma level.

Issuing of Applications :26th October 2019
Closing Date for Applications :26th November 2019
Date of the Selection Test :15th December 2019

Click Below for Details

BA in English and English Language Teaching (Open University),BA in English and English Language Teaching (Open University),BA in English and English Language Teaching (Open University),BA in English and English Language Teaching (Open University)


Registration of External Resource Persons as  Lecturers  - Department of Technical Education and Training
October 25, 2019

Registration of External Resource Persons as Lecturers - Department of Technical Education and Training

බාහිර දේශක/උපදේශක සඳහා බාහිර සම්පත් දායකයින් ලියාපදිංචි කිරීම 2020 - කාර්මික අධ්‍යාපන හා පුහුණු කිරීමේ දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව வெளிவாரி விரிவுரையாளர்கள் /போதனாசிரியர்களாக வெளிவாரி வளவாளர்களை பதிவுசெய்தல் 
தொழில்நுட்பக் கல்வி மற்றும் பயிற்சித் திணைக்களம்,
බාහිර දේශක/උපදේශක සඳහා බාහිර සම්පත් දායකයින් ලියාපදිංචි කිරීම 2020 - කාර්මික අධ්‍යාපන හා පුහුණු කිරීමේ දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව வெளிவாரி விரிவுரையாளர்கள் /போதனாசிரியர்களாக வெளிவாரி வளவாளர்களை பதிவுசெய்தல் 
தொழில்நுட்பக் கல்வி மற்றும் பயிற்சித் திணைக்களம்
කාර්මික අධ්‍යාපන හා පුහුණු කිරීමේ දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව
බාහිර දේශක උපදේශක සඳහා බාහිර සම්පත් දායකයින් ලියාපදිංචි කිරීම 2020

මෙම දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව යටතේ ඇති තාක්ෂණ විද්‍යාල/ කාර්මික විද්‍යාලවල බාහිර දේශක / උපදේශක තනතුරු සඳහා බාහිර සම්පත් දායකයින් ලියාපදිංචි කිරීමට මෙම නිවේදනය අවසානය දක්වා තිබෙන තාක්ෂණ විද්‍යාල වල / කාර්මික විද්‍යාලවල අධ්‍යක්ෂවරුන් විදුහල්පතිවරුන් විසින් අයදුම්පත් කැඳවනු ලැබේ

මෙම තාක්ෂණ විද්‍යාල / කාර්මික විද්‍යාල වල බාහිර පදනම මත දේශන පැවැත්වීමට නියමිතව තිබෙන විෂයන් පිළිබඳ විස්තර සහ ආදර්ශ අයදුම්පත්‍රය තමා සේවය කිරීමට අදහස් කරන තාක්ෂණ විද්‍යාලයේ / කාර්මික විද්‍යාලයේ අධ්‍යක්ෂ / විදුහල්පති වෙන තම ලිපිනය හා මුද්දර ඇලවූ ලියුම් කවරයක් (9'' X 4'') එවීමෙන් ලබාගත හැකිවේ . එවනු ලබන ලියුම් කවරයේ වම්පස ඉහළ කෙළවරේ බාහිර සම්පත්දායකයින් යනුවෙන් සඳහන් කරන්න. නොඑසේ නම්එ අදාල තාක්ෂණ විද්‍යාලයට හෝ කාර්මික විද්‍යාලයට පැමිණ මෙම විස්තර ලබා ගත හැක

විස්තර පත්‍රිකා ලබාගත හැකි අවසාන දිනය 2019.11.22
අයදුම්පත් භාර ගන්නා අවසන් දිනය 2019.12.02

தொழில்நுட்பக் கல்வி மற்றும் பயிற்சித் திணைக்களம் 

வெளிவாரி விரிவுரையாளர்கள் / போதனாசிரியர்களாக வெளிவாரி வளவாளர்களை பதிவுசெய்தல்

வெளிவாரி அடிப்படையில் விரிவுரைகளை மேற்கொள்ளவுள்ள பாடங்கள் பற்றிய விபரங்கள் மற்றும் விண்ணப்ப படிவம் போன்றவற்றை தாம் கடமையாற்ற விரும்பும் கல்லூரியின் பணிப்பாளர் அல்லது அதிபர் அவர்களிடம் இருந்து பெற்றுக் கொள்ளலாம்.அவ்வாறு இல்லாவிடின் உரிய கல்லூரிகளுக்கு வருகைதந்து விபரங்களை பெற்றுக் கொள்ளலாம்

சுய முகவரி இடப்பட்டு முத்திரை ஒட்டப்பட்ட கடித உறையின்( 9'' X 4' )அனுப்பி பெற்றுக்கொள்ளலாம் கடித உறையின் இடதுபக்க மேல் மூலையில் வெளிவாரி வளவாளர் என குறிப்பிடவும்.

கையேட்டை பெற்றுக் கொள்வதற்கான இறுதித் திகதி 

விண்ணப்ப படிவங்கள் ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளப்படும் இறுதித் தேதி 

Click Below for More Details

or Read gazette (25.10.2019)

බාහිර දේශක/උපදේශක සඳහා බාහිර සම්පත් දායකයින් ලියාපදිංචි කිරීම 2020 - කාර්මික අධ්‍යාපන හා පුහුණු කිරීමේ දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව வெளிவாரி விரிவுரையாளர்கள் /போதனாசிரியர்களாக வெளிவாரி வளவாளர்களை பதிவுசெய்தல் 
தொழில்நுட்பக் கல்வி மற்றும் பயிற்சித் திணைக்களம்,
බාහිර දේශක/උපදේශක සඳහා බාහිර සම්පත් දායකයින් ලියාපදිංචි කිරීම 2020 - කාර්මික අධ්‍යාපන හා පුහුණු කිරීමේ දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව வெளிவாரி விரிவுரையாளர்கள் /போதனாசிரியர்களாக வெளிவாரி வளவாளர்களை பதிவுசெய்தல் 
தொழில்நுட்பக் கல்வி மற்றும் பயிற்சித் திணைக்களம்
Important Notices on this week gazette (25.10.2019)
October 25, 2019

Important Notices on this week gazette (25.10.2019)

Here we have listed the important notices on this week gazette. For Detail information read the gazette. You can download the gazette, Links are given at the bottom of this post.
(Online gazette available, after the online version updated)

රෙජිස්ට්‍රාර් ජනරාල් දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව 
මුස්ලිම් විවාහ ලියාපදිංචි කිරීමේ රෙජිස්ට්‍රාර් තනතුරු 

  • අනුරාධපුර දිස්ත්‍රික්කය
  • කළුතර දිස්ත්‍රික්කය
  • ගම්පහ දිස්ත්‍රික්කය

රෙජිස්ට්‍රාර් ජනරාල් දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව 
උප්පැන්න,මරණ හා විවාහ අතිරේක විවාහ උඩරට සාමාන්‍ය රෙජිස්ට්‍රාර් තනතුරු 
  • ගාල්ල දිස්ත්‍රික්කය
  • කොළඹ දිස්ත්‍රික්කය

රෙජිස්ට්‍රාර් ජනරාල් දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව 

උප්පැන්න හා මරණ රෙජිස්ට්‍රාර් තනතුරු

  • කුරුණෑගල දිස්ත්‍රික්කය
රෙජිස්ට්‍රාර් ජනරාල් දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව 

දෙමළ භාෂාවෙන් උප්පැන්න මරණ හා විවාහ අතිරේක විවාහ සාමාන්‍ය රෙජිස්ට්‍රාර් තනතුරු 

  • කොළඹ දිස්ත්‍රික්කය
ශ්‍රී ලංකා සමාජ ආරක්ෂණ මණ්ඩලය

සාමාන්‍යාධිකාරී තනතුර

රාජ්‍යසේවා කොමිෂන් සභාව

ශ්‍රී ලංකා වාස්තු විද්‍යාඥ සේවයේ පළමු ශ්‍රේණියේ නිලධාරීන් ජේෂ්ඨතාවය හා කුසලතාවය මත විශේෂ ශ්‍රේණියට උසස් කිරීම සඳහා අයදුම්පත් කැඳවීම

කාර්මික අධ්‍යාපන හා පුහුණු කිරීමේ දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව 

බාහිර දේශක උපදේශක සඳහා බාහිර සම්පත් දායකයින් ලියාපදිංචි කිරීම

කාර්මික අධ්‍යාපන හා පුහුණු කිරීමේ දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව 

තාක්ෂණ විද්‍යාල වල කාර්මික විද්‍යාල වල පැවැත්වෙන පාඨමාලා සඳහා සිසුන් ඇතුලත් කර ගැනීම

ශ්‍රී ලංකා විභාග දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව 

දහම් පාසල් අවසාන සහතික පත්‍ර විභාගය

பதிவாளர் நாயகம் திணைக்களம் 

பிறப்பு இறப்பு மற்றும் விவாகம் மேலதிக விவாகம் பொது பதிவாளர் பதவி

  • காலி மாவட்டம்
  • கொழும்பு மாவட்டம்
பதிவாளர் நாயகம் திணைக்களம் 

தமிழ் மொழி மூலம் பிறப்பு இறப்பு மற்றும் மேலதிக விவாகம் பதிவாளர் பதவி 

  • கொழும்பு மாவட்டம்
பதிவாளர் நாயகம் திணைக்களம்

முஸ்லிம் விவாகம் பதிவுசெய்தல் பதிவாளர் பதவி

  • கம்பஹா மாவட்டம் 
  • களுத்துறை மாவட்டம் 
  • அனுராதபுரம் மாவட்டம்

பதிவாளர் நாயகம் திணைக்களம்

பிறப்பு இறப்பு பதிவாளர் பதவி 

  • குருநாகல் மாவட்டம்
அரசாங்க சேவை ஆணைக்குழு

இலங்கை கட்டடக் கலைஞர் சேவையின் முதலாம் தர அலுவலர்களை மூப்பு நிலை மற்றும் திறமை அடிப்படையில் விசேட தரத்துக்கு பதவி உயர்த்துவதற்கு விண்ணப்பம் கோரல்

தொழில்நுட்பக் கல்வி மற்றும் பயிற்சித் திணைக்களம்

வெளிவாரி விரிவுரையாளர்கள் போதனாசிரியர்களாக வெளிவாரி வளவாளர்கள் பதிவுசெய்தல்

தொழில்நுட்பக் கல்வி மற்றும் பயிற்சித் திணைக்களம்

தொழிநுட்பவியல் கல்லூரிகள் தொழிநுட்பக் கல்லூரியில் நடத்தப்படும் கற்கை நெறிகளுக்கு மாணவர்களை அனுமதித்தல்
Click Below for the gazette


Practical Exam (GCE O/L 2019 - Aesthetic Subjects)
October 24, 2019

Practical Exam (GCE O/L 2019 - Aesthetic Subjects)

Practical Exam (GCE O/L 2019 - Aesthetic Subjects),Practical Exam (GCE O/L 2019 - Aesthetic Subjects),Practical Exam (GCE O/L 2019 - Aesthetic Subjects),Practical Exam (GCE O/L 2019 - Aesthetic Subjects),Department of Examination,Practical Exam (GCE O/L 2019 - Aesthetic Subjects)

Practical tests of GCE O/L 2019 - Aesthetic Subjects will be held from 28.10.2019 to 08.11.2019 for 174 778 candidates at 1295 practical test boards.

The Listening test of the subject 41 Music (western) will be conducted island wide on 03.11.2019 at relevant practical boards for the subjects.

40 - Music (Oriental)
41 - Music (Western)
42 - Music (Carnatic)
44 - Dancing (Oriental)
45 - Dancing (Bharata)
50 -  Drama and Theatre (Sinhala)
51 - Drama and Theatre (Tamil)
52 - Drama and Theatre (English)

Admission cards and timetables  of school applicants and private applicants have been sent by post to the relevant principals and to the addresses mentioned in teh applications of private candidates respectively.

0112 784 208
0112 784 537

Practical Exam (GCE O/L 2019 - Aesthetic Subjects),Practical Exam (GCE O/L 2019 - Aesthetic Subjects),Practical Exam (GCE O/L 2019 - Aesthetic Subjects),Practical Exam (GCE O/L 2019 - Aesthetic Subjects),Department of Examination,Practical Exam (GCE O/L 2019 - Aesthetic Subjects)


G.C.E. O/L Supportive Seminar Papers - Education Ministry
October 21, 2019

G.C.E. O/L Supportive Seminar Papers - Education Ministry

G.C.E. O/L Supportive Seminar Papers - Education Ministry,G.C.E. O/L Supportive Seminar Papers - Education Ministry,G.C.E. O/L Supportive Seminar Papers - Education Ministry,G.C.E. O/L Supportive Seminar Papers - Education Ministry

OL Supportive seminar papers for 2019 are available now. Ministry of Education has released these papers and published on E takshalawa Learning  Management System. You can access old supportive papers too.

Click Below for Supportive Seminar Papers

English Medium
(Old Papers only Available)

G.C.E. O/L Supportive Seminar Papers - Education Ministry,G.C.E. O/L Supportive Seminar Papers - Education Ministry,G.C.E. O/L Supportive Seminar Papers - Education Ministry,G.C.E. O/L Supportive Seminar Papers - Education Ministry
Master of Philosophy (MPhil) In Education Degree Programme-2019 (NIE)
October 21, 2019

Master of Philosophy (MPhil) In Education Degree Programme-2019 (NIE)

Applications are called for the Master of Philosophy Degree Programme in Education conducted by the Department of Teacher Education of the National Institute of Education.

The duration of the programme is three years and will be held only at Maharagama premises. The participants are free to sit for the examination and submit a thesis in a medium of their choice; English, Sinhala or Tamil.


  • SLPS
  • SLTS
  • Academic Members of Recognized Educational Institutes.

The Programme consists of course work on research methodology, assignments and presentations. The research topic has to be approved by the Research Committee. Students will work under a supervisor appointed by the NIE.

Master of Education from a recognized University/ Institution. OR
Master of Arts in Teacher Education (MATE) from a recognized University/ Institution.

Applicants should apply for the course using self-prepared application with a Research Proposal. The applications should be sent through the Head of the Institute/ Department under registered post to the "Director, Department of Teacher Education , National Institute of Education, Maharagama not later than 30/11/2019 A receipt obtained from any branch of the Bank of Ceylon, crediting a sum of Rs. 1500/- to Director General’s (NIE) account number 607628 at BOC Maharagama branch should also be enclosed along with the application "MPhil 2020" should be legibly written on the top left corner on the Envelop.

Closing Date   30.11.2019

Check Your Results : Graduate / HNDE Teaching Exam (Sabaragamuwa Province)
October 21, 2019

Check Your Results : Graduate / HNDE Teaching Exam (Sabaragamuwa Province)

Exam Department has released the results of Below examination.

Competitive Examination for the Recruitment of Graduates and Two year English Diploma Holders (Sinhala/Tamil Medium) for the Sri Lanka Teacher Service for Filling the Teacher Vacancies that Exist in Schools of the Sabaragamuwa Provincial Council - 2018 : 2019

Click Below and Select The Exam to Check your reults.
Results Released: Law College Entrance Exam
October 21, 2019

Results Released: Law College Entrance Exam

Check your results - Law College Entrance Exam, ඔබේ ප්‍රතිපල පරීක්ෂා කරන්න - නීති විද්‍යාල ප්‍රවේශ විභාගය, பெறுபேறுகளை பரீசிக்க - இலங்கை சட்டக் கல்லூரி நுழைவூப் பரீட்சை,Check your results - Law College Entrance Exam, ඔබේ ප්‍රතිපල පරීක්ෂා කරන්න - නීති විද්‍යාල ප්‍රවේශ විභාගය, பெறுபேறுகளை பரீசிக்க - இலங்கை சட்டக் கல்லூரி நுழைவூப் பரீட்சை

Exam Department has released the reults of Sri Lanka Law College Entrance Examination - 2020 (June 2019). Selected list already released by the Sri Lanka Law College. Here other applicants can check their marks in this exam.

Click Below and Select the exam
to Check Yor results

Click Below for the Selected List

Check your results - Law College Entrance Exam, ඔබේ ප්‍රතිපල පරීක්ෂා කරන්න - නීති විද්‍යාල ප්‍රවේශ විභාගය, பெறுபேறுகளை பரீசிக்க - இலங்கை சட்டக் கல்லூரி நுழைவூப் பரீட்சை,Check your results - Law College Entrance Exam, ඔබේ ප්‍රතිපල පරීක්ෂා කරන්න - නීති විද්‍යාල ප්‍රවේශ විභාගය, பெறுபேறுகளை பரீசிக்க - இலங்கை சட்டக் கல்லூரி நுழைவூப் பரீட்சை


Scholarships for Management Students (Colombo and J'Pura University)
October 20, 2019

Scholarships for Management Students (Colombo and J'Pura University)

Scholarships for Management Students(Colombo and J'Pura University), කළමනාකරණ සිසුන් සඳහා ශිෂ්‍යත්ව, முகாமைத்துவ பீட மாணவர்களுக்கான புலமைப்பரிசில்,Scholarships for Management Students(Colombo and J'Pura University), කළමනාකරණ සිසුන් සඳහා ශිෂ්‍යත්ව, முகாமைத்துவ பீட மாணவர்களுக்கான புலமைப்பரிசில்

The University Grants Commission invites applications for the Mitsubishi Corporation International Scholorships from eligible candidates.

Vaalue of the scholorship will be 55 000 per recipient for the academic year.

Students who have registered at
Faculty of Management and Finance - Colombo
Faculty of Management Studies and Commerce - Sri Jayawerdenapura
can apply

Closing Date 22.11.2019

Click Below for Application

Scholarships for Management Students(Colombo and J'Pura University), කළමනාකරණ සිසුන් සඳහා ශිෂ්‍යත්ව, முகாமைத்துவ பீட மாணவர்களுக்கான புலமைப்பரிசில்,Scholarships for Management Students(Colombo and J'Pura University), කළමනාකරණ සිසුන් සඳහා ශිෂ්‍යත්ව, முகாமைத்துவ பீட மாணவர்களுக்கான புலமைப்பரிசில்

Postal Voting Dates and Election law - Presidential Election 2019
October 20, 2019

Postal Voting Dates and Election law - Presidential Election 2019

Postal Voting Dates and Election law - Presidential Election 2019, තැපැල් ඡන්දය ප්‍රකාශ කිරීමේ දිනයන් සහ මැතිවරණ නීතිය, அஞ்சல் வாக்களிப்பு தேதிகள் மற்றும் தேர்தல் சட்டம்,Postal Voting Dates and Election law - Presidential Election 2019, තැපැල් ඡන්දය ප්‍රකාශ කිරීමේ දිනයන් සහ මැතිවරණ නීතිය, அஞ்சல் வாக்களிப்பு தேதிகள் மற்றும் தேர்தல் சட்டம்,Postal Voting Dates and Election law - Presidential Election 2019, තැපැල් ඡන්දය ප්‍රකාශ කිරීමේ දිනයන් සහ මැතිවරණ නීතිය, அஞ்சல் வாக்களிப்பு தேதிகள் மற்றும் தேர்தல் சட்டம்

Postal  Voting Presidential Election 2019
Postal voting will take place on 31.10.2019 and 01.11.2019. The postal voting of the Police Station and the District Secretariat will be held on 04.11.2019 and 05.11.2019. Those who cannot be casted their vote on the day of postal voting will be given an opportunity on 07.11.2019

තැපැල්  ඡන්දය 2019 ජනාධිපතිවරණය
තැපැල් ඡන්දය ප්‍රකාශ කිරීම 2011.10.31 සහ 2011.11.01 දිනවල පැවැත්වේ. පොලිස් ස්ථානයේ සහ දිස්ත්‍රික් ලේකම් කාර්යාලයේ තැපැල් ඡන්ද ප්‍රකාශ කිරීම 2011.11.04 සහ 2016.11.05 දිනවල පැවැත්වෙන අතර මැතිවරණ කොමිෂන් සභාව රාජකාරියේ නියුතු නිලධාරීන්ට 2016.11.07 දින  පැවරෙනු ඇත. තැපැල් ඡන්දය ප්‍රකාශ කළ දිනයේදී ඡන්ද ප්‍රකාශ කිරීම නොහැකි අයට 2016.11.07 දින අවස්ථාව ලබා දෙනු ඇත

அஞ்சல் மூல வாக்களிப்பு சனாதிபதித் தேர்தல் 2019

அஞ்சல் மூல வாக்களிப்பு நடவடிக்கைகள் 31.10.2019 மற்றும் 01.11.2019 ஆகிய தினங்களில் நடைபெறும். பொலிஸ் நிலையம் மற்றும் மாவட்ட செயலக அஞ்சல் வாக்களிப்பு 04.11.2019 மற்றும் 05.11.2019 ஆகிய தினங்களிலும்இ தேர்தல் ஆணைக்குழுவில் கடமை புரியூம் அலுவலர்களுக்கு 07.11.2019 தினமும் ஒதுக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. அஞ்சல் வாக்கினை குறித்த தினத்தில் அடையாளமிட முடியாதவர்களுக்குஇ 07.11.2019 ஆம் திகதி சந்தர்ப்பம் வழங்கப்படும்

Postal Voting Dates and Election law - Presidential Election 2019, තැපැල් ඡන්දය ප්‍රකාශ කිරීමේ දිනයන් සහ මැතිවරණ නීතිය, அஞ்சல் வாக்களிப்பு தேதிகள் மற்றும் தேர்தல் சட்டம்,Postal Voting Dates and Election law - Presidential Election 2019, තැපැල් ඡන්දය ප්‍රකාශ කිරීමේ දිනයන් සහ මැතිවරණ නීතිය, அஞ்சல் வாக்களிப்பு தேதிகள் மற்றும் தேர்தல் சட்டம்,Postal Voting Dates and Election law - Presidential Election 2019, තැපැල් ඡන්දය ප්‍රකාශ කිරීමේ දිනයන් සහ මැතිවරණ නීතිය, அஞ்சல் வாக்களிப்பு தேதிகள் மற்றும் தேர்தல் சட்டம்

Click Below for the notice from election Department
Regarding Postal Voting




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