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Results : All Island School Dancing Competition 2018
January 05, 2019

Results : All Island School Dancing Competition 2018

Ministry of Education has released the Final results of All Island School Dancing Competition - 2018. The Places for Provinces and zones are given below

1st Place  : Western
2nd Place : Sabaragamuva
3rd Place : Central
4th Place : Southern
5th Place : Wayamba
6th Place : North Central
7th Place : Uva
8th Place : Eastern

1st Place : Ratnapura
2nd Place : Kandy
3rd Place : Horana


Interview Name List : Health Sector Vacancies (2016/2017 AL - Aug 31 Gazette)
January 04, 2019

Interview Name List : Health Sector Vacancies (2016/2017 AL - Aug 31 Gazette)

Interviews to select trainees for Nursing, Professions Supplementary to Medicine and Para Medical Training programmes. (As per Gazette notification 2086 dated 31/08/2018)

Candidates have been short listed, based on the criteria mentioned in the Gazette notification. Inviting for the interview does not mean that you are selected to any training programme. Date and place of the interview will be notified in due course.
Special Note : Interim Bus fair revision (Effect from 27th December 2018)
January 04, 2019

Special Note : Interim Bus fair revision (Effect from 27th December 2018)

An Interim bus fare revision has been decided to be granted by the National Transport Commission with effect from 27th December 2018 in terms of the National Bus Fares Policy in order to compensate the decrease in Fuel Price. Full fare in respect of approved Inter provincial , Normal, semi Luxury, Luxury,Super Luxury services implemented by the Sri Lanka Transport Board and Private Passenger Transport Services and the fare table depicting 350 normal fare stages are given below for the information of bus passengers, owners, crews, authorities, and the general public. 


Invitation for Teachers from Ministry of Education
January 03, 2019

Invitation for Teachers from Ministry of Education

The ministry of Education invites all the teachers who wish to take part with professional pride in a unique mission of preparing a skillful human resource for the nation.
join the teaching staff of the Vishvoda National School which is to be opened soon in close proximity to Kurunagala city.

If You Are a teacher
  • With more than 05 Years service
  • Below 50 Years of Age
  • Skills related to extra curricular activities and co curricular activities in addition to the skill in teaching the relevant subjects
  • Willing to render service even after school
Closing Date 11.01.2019

Subjects - Grade 6
  1. Sinhala / Tamil
  2. Maths (Bilingual)
  3. Science (Bilingual)
  4. Religion
  5. Second Language (Sinhala/Tamil)
  6. English
  7. Civics (Bilingual)
  8. Arts/Music (Bilingual)
  9. Geography (Bilingual)
  10. Business Studies and Accounting
  11. History
  12. Foreign Language (Japanese/Chinese/jerman/Italy/hindhi/French/Korean
  13. PTS
  14. HPE (Bilingual)
  15. IT
Subjects (AL)
  1. ARTS Stream
  2. Commerce Stream
  3. Biological Science Stream
  4. Physical Science Stream
  5. Engineering technology
  6. Bio System technology

Click Below for Application
Sinhala /English / Tamil

Click Below for Details
Sinhala / English / Tamil

School-Based Professional Teacher Development (SBPTD)


Qualified List for Practical Test - Graduate Teaching (National School)
January 02, 2019

Qualified List for Practical Test - Graduate Teaching (National School)

Qualified Name list for Practical Test of Graduate Teaching for National School has been released.

Competitive Examination for Recruitment of Graduates (Appointed under the Programmes to Employ Graduates) to Grade 3-1 (a) of Sri Lanka Teachers’ Service for Sinhala and Tamil Medium Teacer Vacancies Existing in National Schools of the Island -2018

Exam was held on  02 September 2018


Interview Name List : SLICT Service 2 II (Limited)
Amendment on Establishment Code (No Pay  Leave for study abroad  )
January 01, 2019

Amendment on Establishment Code (No Pay Leave for study abroad )

Revision of Section 16, Chapter XII of the Establishments Code

The Cabinet of Ministers has decided at its meeting held on 28.08.2018 to revise sub section 16:2 and 16:2:1 as follows and include the new sub sections from 16:2:2 to 16:2:4.

16:2 No pay leave for study abroad can be granted to a Public Officer on the recommendation of the Head of the Department to study a substantive course at a recognised institute.

16:2:1 Extending the probation period of an officer who is on probation, from a period equal to the period of study leave abroad.

16:2:2 Granting leave with no pay to the spouse subject to sub sections 16:1:9 and 16:1:10 in case where the spouse of the officer, who is studying abroad is also serving in the Public Service.

16:2:3 An officer who obtains study leave under this should complete a period which is determined by the Head of the Department out of the compulsory period of service prescribed under sub section 16:15 within the same department from which the recommendation for leave is made. However, this condition should not be made applicable to reject a request made for releasing such officer to another service in the Public Service.

16:2:4 All the other conditions stipulated in Section 16 in respect of granting no pay leave for study abroad shall also be applied when granting leave under sub section 16:2.

Click Below for Amendment Circular
Sinhala / Tamil / English

Click Below for Establishment Code
Sinhala / Tamil




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