GCE O/L 2024 - Supportive Seminar Papers

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Bachelor of Laws Degree Programme (LLB) : Open University

Bachelor of Laws Degree Programme (LLB) : Open University

Issuing of Applications: 13th September 2020
Closing Date for Applications: 13th October 2020
Selection Test Date: December 2020


A person aged 18 years or above who has acquired any of the following educational/professional qualifications is eligible to apply for this programme

1.     Successful completion of Levels 1 and 2 of any Foundation Programmes conducted by the Open University of Sri Lanka;  OR

2.     Four passes, at the General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level) Examination under the old syllabus which had 4 subjects of which at least three passes should have been obtained at one sitting and the other subject should have been completed at a subsequent sitting  OR

3.     Three passes in core subjects at one sitting at the General Certificate of Education (Advanced Level) Examination (under the new syllabus which has 3 subjects)  OR

4.     An equivalent or higher qualification acceptable to the Senate of the Open University of Sri Lanka  OR

5.     Be an Attorney-at-Law.

Click Below to Apply Online (first need to create an account)

Online Application


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