GCE O/L 2024 - Supportive Seminar Papers

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University Scholarship for the students (Children of EDCS Members)

University Scholarship for the students (Children of EDCS Members)

University Scholarship for the students (Children of EDCS Members),University Scholarship for the students (Children of EDCS Members),University Scholarship for the students (Children of EDCS Members)
Applications are inviting for awarding university of scholarship academic year 2018/2019.


  • Follow a degree course for the first time through the 2018 A/L Exam
  • Should be a clergy student of a Ven Monk or child of an active member who has completed 5 years as a member of the society.

Application issued from 13.11.2019
Closing Date 28.02.2020

University Scholarship for the students (Children of EDCS Members),University Scholarship for the students (Children of EDCS Members),University Scholarship for the students (Children of EDCS Members)

Click Below for Grade V passed students 
(Children of EDCS Members)




Learning Materials for Students