
GCE O/L 2024 - Supportive Seminar Papers

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Online Database for Politically Exposed Persons

Online Database for Politically Exposed Persons

A politically exposed person (PEP) is an individual who is or has been entrusted with a prominent public function. PEPs can be individuals with very high levels of integrity, who are merely classified as PEPs due to the office they hold. PEPs are however individuals who are in positions that can be potentially abused for the purpose of committing corruption, bribery, money laundering, and terrorist financing. As a result, it is important that these individuals are recognized, and their transactions subjected to enhanced scrutiny.
This list Includes
  1. Heads of State
  2. Senior Executives
  3. Senior Government Officials
  4. Senior Judicial Officers
  5. Senior Military Officers
  6. Senior Politicians

Click Below for the Online Database




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