
GCE O/L 2024 - Supportive Seminar Papers

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Election Duty Payments (Circular and Forms)

Election Duty Payments (Circular and Forms)

Payments for Election Duty : Presidential Election 2019,Payments for Election Duty : Presidential Election 2019,Payments for Election Duty : Presidential Election 2019,Payments for Election Duty : Presidential Election 2019
Applciations are invited for election duty payments from Election Commission. Relevant vouchers, Attendance Letter, Calling letter should be sent. Claim should be done before 31.12.2019. Commission asking the officers to claim the amount before 31.12.2019.

Click Beow for Circular

Click Below for Forms Should be Filled
G35 (for Duty)
G 177 (For Transport)

Payments for Election Duty : Presidential Election 2019,Payments for Election Duty : Presidential Election 2019,Payments for Election Duty : Presidential Election 2019,Payments for Election Duty : Presidential Election 2019




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