
GCE O/L 2024 - Supportive Seminar Papers

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KOICA Scholarship Programme for Master's Degree 2019  (for Government Officials)

KOICA Scholarship Programme for Master's Degree 2019 (for Government Officials)

KOICA Scholarship Programme for Master's Degree 2019

The Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) has called application from the Sri Lankan Government Officials for the above Master's degree Programme.

Application forms and the ERD forms is available at

Closing Date 08.03.2019

Masters Degree Programs
  1. Fisheries Science
  2. Public Administration (Local Government)
  3. Techno Entrepreneurship Competency Based on EE& ICT Convergence
  4. Public Management and Public Sector Reforms
  5. Finance & Tax Policy
  6. Water Resource management
  7. Agricultural Economics
  8. Community Development
  9. SMART Agricultural Engineering
  10. Global Health Security
  11. Urban Development Policy
  12. Energy Science and Policy
  13. Regulation Management for Economic Development
  14. Global Education Leadership
  15. International Studies (Capacity Development of Gender Equality Leadership)
  16. Agricultural Production
  17. Industry & Trade Policy




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