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Instructions : University Admission Book : 2018 AL

Instructions : University Admission Book : 2018 AL

UGC will entertain applications for admission to Sri Lankan Universities from candidates who have satisfied the minimum requirements for University Admission at GCE AL 2018 Examination.

Candidates are informed that it is compulsory to apply for university admission online.

Minimum Requirements
  • at least 3 "s" grades in all three approved subjects in one sitting within a maximum of three attempts
  • Minimum Mark of 30 % for the Common General test

Method to obtain the University handbook
  1. From UGC,No 20, Ward Place, Colombo 07
  2. From Distributing Agents
  3. BY post

Deposit of 500 at any branch of BOC (0002323287 - Torrington Branch), 
Peoples Bank (167-1-001-4-3169407 - Townhall Branch) by filling in the paying in voucher  provided by the bank . 

The counterfoil of the paying in voucher duly authenticated by the bank with the seal and the signature of an authorized officer should be sent along with the written request for university admission hand book

Every written request for hand book should be made to the
Additional Seretary university admission
University Grants Commission
No 20 ward place colombo 07 by post, giving the name of the applicant, medium , and a self addressed unstamped envelop not less than 37cm X 26cm along with the written request.

Closing Date 01.02.2019




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