GCE O/L 2024 - Supportive Seminar Papers

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 Application : English Medium Marking Examiners (GCE O/L)

Application : English Medium Marking Examiners (GCE O/L)

Applications are hereby called from presently employed qualified teachers in government or semi-government schools or from the teachers who have been retired from their service after 01.01.2015 but having former experience in evaluations of answer scripts for the purpose of implementing pool of evaluation examiners to evaluate English medium answer scripts of the G.C.E. (O/L) Examination conducted by the Department of Examinations, Sri Lanka. Evaluation of answer scripts is scheduled to be conducted in Colombo.

11 - Buddhism 
14 - Catholicism 
15 - Christianity 
16 - Islam 
32 - Mathematics 
33 - History 
34 - Science 
41 - Music (western) 
43 - Art 
85 - Home Economics 
Technical Subjects

  1. 05years experience in teaching of the relevant subject in English medium for G.C.E.(O/L)/ G.C.E (A/L) in a government or semi- government School. 
  2. Ability to evaluate answer scripts in English medium (please attach the copies of documents to prove the experience) 
  3. Participation at G.C.E. (O.L/ A.L) evaluation activities in Sinhala, Tamil or English medium will be an added qualification. 
  4. On examination of qualifications, appointment will be made on the requirement of service.

Completed application should be posted to 
The Commissioner General of Examinations, 
Evaluation (School Exams) branch, 
Department of Examinations, Sri Lanka. 
P.O. box 1503, 

Closing Date  07 th January 2019

Click Below to Download Application




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