APPLICATIONS are called for competitive examination to select suitable persons to fill the vacancies (Civil/ Mechanical), existing in the posts of Technological Officer of Supervisory Management Assistant Technical Service
Closing Date : 12.11.2018
Salary Scale. Rs. 31,040 -10x445 -11x660 - 10x730 - 10x750 - Rs. 57,550 monthly
i) Educational Qualifications :
1. Shall have passed G. C. E. (OL) exam in one sitting in six (06) subjects with credit pass for Sinhala/Tamil/English langauge, Science, Mathematics and one other subject ;
2. Shall have passed all subjects (except the Common General Test) at G. C. E. (Advanced Level) examination in one sitting under Science/ Mathematics streams with two (02) subjects relevant to the field. (Shall have passed three (03) subjects in one sitting under the old syllabus).
Vocational Qualifications :
1. National Diploma in Technology awarded by the University of Moratuwa or Hardy Institute of Ampara ;
National Diploma in Engineering awarded by the National Apprentice and Industrial Training Authority ;
3. Higher National Diploma in Engineering awarded by the Ministry of Higher Education ;
4. Technology Diploma awarded by the Open University of Sri Lanka ;
5. Shall have successfully completed Part 1 of the Engineering examination conducted by the Sri Lanka
Engineering Institute ;
6. Shall have completed National Vocational Qualifications (NVQ) level 06 relevant to the field of
employment ;
7. Shall have obtained other technological qualifications recognized by the Tertiary and Vocational Education
Commission as fully equivalent to the above referred Technological qualifications, after derived referring
the Ministry of Higher Education and the institutions, which issue the above referred Technology