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Job Vacancies in Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment

Job Vacancies in Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment

Legal Officer (MM1-1, Grade II) 
Attorney-at-law with Five (05) years post qualifying experience in legal work 
Salary Scale 
MM1-1, Grade II - Rs. [53,175-1375x10-1910x15-95,575]  

Hostel Warden 
A Bachelor’s Degree which is recognized by the U.G.C. with Three (03) years’ experience as an executive in a recognized establishment. 

Marketing Officer
Degree in Marketing/ Business Management which is recognized by the U.G.C. with Three (03) years’ experience in Marketing in a recognized establishment in an executive capacity. 

Research Officer 
A Degree with statistics/ operational research / Economics as a subject which is recognized by the U.G.C. with Three (03) years’ experience in research work in an executive capacity in a recognized establishment. 

A Bachelor’s Degree with Library Science as a subject which is recognized by the U.G.C. with Three (03) years’ experience as a librarian in a recognized establishment. 

Salary Scale :JM1-2 - Rs. [43,355-755 x10-1135x18-71,335] 

Management Assistant (Non Technological
Having passed the G.C.E. (O/L) examination in six (06) subjects in one sitting with credit passes for four subjects including Sinhala/ Tamil, English Language and Mathematics. and Having passed three subjects (Other than the General paper) at G.C.E. (A/L) examination. 
Salary Scale :MA1-2 - Rs. [27,910–300x 10-350 x 7-600x12-710x12-49,080] 

Management Assistant (Technological/ Technical
Having obtained a certificate of proficiency not below than the National Vocational Qualification Level 5, issued by a Technical / Vocational Training Institute accepted by the Tertiary and Vocational Education Commission. and At least three (03) years’ experience in systems Maintenance/ Troubleshooting. 
Salary Scale :MA2-2 - Rs. [30,310–300x 10-350 x 7-600x4-710x20-52,360]  

Office Aide 
Persons who have sat for the G.C.E. (O/L) examination 
Salary Scale :PL-1 - Rs. [24,750–250x 10-270 x 10-300x7-330x15-37,000]  

Application together with copies of testimonial should be sent under Registered Post addressed to the General Manager, 
Sri Lanka Bureau of Foreign Employment, 
No. 234, Denzil Kobbekaduwa Mawatha, Koswatta, 

Closing Date  06.06.2018  
 (Post applied for should be mentioned on the top left hand corner of the envelope)




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