
GCE O/L 2024 - Supportive Seminar Papers

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 Health’ to be made a compulsory subject for O/L exam in 2023

Health’ to be made a compulsory subject for O/L exam in 2023

Considering the proposal submitted by the Committee of Experts on Educational Reforms, the Cabinet of Ministers have approved the proposal made Minister of Health Nutrition and Indigenous Medicine Rajitha Senaratne to make the subject “Health” compulsory in the G.C.E. Ordinary Level examination. 
The proposal will be implemented subject to the approval of National Education Commission.
The Health subject is currently only compulsory from Grade 6 to 9 in the country’s school syllabus while it is not a compulsory subject for students sitting for the O/L examination. 
The Committee of Experts on Educational Reforms had also proposed to include the subject ‘Health and Physical Education’ compulsory in the schoool syllabus until the Ordinary Level exam at the next school curriculum amendment to be carried out in 2023.

-Ada Derana-




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