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Competition - Integrity Idol 2018  Competition (Honest Government Officials)

Competition - Integrity Idol 2018 Competition (Honest Government Officials)

Public servants who have displayed integrity in their engagement with the public and those who have gone above and beyond the call of duty to ensure the integrity of their service are eligible to be nominated as an Integrity Idol. Their conduct should be exemplary and admirable, inspiring others too to take such action. Preference is given to local level officials. Retired officials or those working on a contractual basis are not eligible.

An applicant should,
• be a citizen of Sri Lanka;
• be a current employee working full time in any government office, agency, or department with at       least 5 years of service to go before retirement;
• have served in government jobs for at least 5 years at the time of nomination for Integrity Idol;
• have honestly fulfilled his/her duties and responsibilities as a government official/civil servant with integrity;
• not have been convicted of a crime or any kind of misuse of power, or indicted by any state body;
• be open to participating in the campaign and the public voting process, and must abide by the decisions of the panel of judges’ and the outcome of the public voting process;
• be willing to be filmed, with images broadcast on local, national and international media.

Anyone can nominate a candidate or themselves (see Annex A for a sample nomination form). The nomination form

will be made available and collected through the following channels:

• Website [www.integrityidol.lk]

• Email [idol@tisrilanka.org]

• Hand-written and printed forms can be sent by post or delivered to the TISL office at 5/1, Elibank Road, Colombo 05.

If you require further information, contact our hotline - 0711 295 295/ 076 117 33 44

The nomination period will be open from 12th June to 31st July 2018.

Click Below for Details

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