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Admission of Teachers to University of SriLanka

Admission of Teachers to University of SriLanka

Ministry of Education

Admission of Teachers who have passed the General Arts Qualifying (External) Examination having offered English as a subject or First Examination in Bachelor o‍f Science (External) Degree Programme Academic Year 2017/2018

Applications are entertained from teachers in Government and Government approved Private schools,
who have passed the General Arts Qualifying (External) Examination (with English as a subject) and the first Examination of Bachelor of Science (External) Degree Programme for admission to universities of Sri Lanka for studying the following courses during the academic year 2017 / 2018.
(i) Bachelor of Arts Degree Programme with English as a Subject.
(ii) Bachelor of Science Degree Programme.

02. For the purpose, the applicants should possess the qualifications as follows:
(i) Should have passed the General Arts Qualifying (External) Examination (with English as a subject) and the first Examination of Bachelor of Science (External) Degree Programme held in or after year 2013. (A copy of the result sheet should be attached to the application)
(ii) Should have completed five years service as a teacher on the last date of receiving applications should be confirmed in the post.
(iii) Should not have been registered already to follow courses in a Teachers’ Training College, A National College of Education, and A University or in the National Institute of Education.

All applications should be prepared in accordance with the specimen form appearing herewith and forward them in two copies under registered post to the Secretary, Ministry of Education" “Isurupaya”, Battaramulla, before 29.06.2018, the words “Applications for Admission to Universities in Sri Lanka 2017 /2018 (For Teachers)" should be clearly written on the left hand top corner of the envelope enclosing the application.

For more Details Read Below Gazette
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