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Data Management Portal

Data Management Portal

The Data Management Portal has been designed as a platform to provide all data related services of the Ministry of Education and as a gateway to the systems that are developed to function as online processes and to obtain real time data in the General Education system.

  1. Professional Path (13 years of Guaranteed Education program)
  2. Sri Lanka Education Administrative Service – HRM
  3. Sri Lanka Teacher Service – HRM
  4. Census and Statistics on General Education (EduStat)
  5. Check the Census Number of the institute

Professional Path (13 years of Guaranteed Education program)

The 13 years of mandatory education policy program has been initiated as an immediate solution for the problem of a considerable number of students leaving the school due to many reasons. This program will support the development of technical, vocational and social skills of all children who need to contribute to the effective economic development of the country. Under this program, a new vocational stream for GCE A/L was introduced to develop the skills and to protect the right to education of all children.
This vocational stream structure will consist of three main components – General component, Applied subjects (Vocational Skill area) and Industrial Training. All the subjects in the common component will be taught at the school level and it is compulsory for all the students who get enrolled to follow the vocational subjects to follow the common component. After following the common component for a period of 06 months, 26 vocational subjects will be introduced for the next 18 months. Student must select one vocational subject after completing the common component and they will be directed appropriately to vocational training institutes and private training institutes for vocational training.
The pilot program commenced on October 2017 in 42 schools in order to obtain experience of program fitness, acceptance and feasibility and implementation issues. Also an online data entry system was introduced to those 42 schools to gather administrative, students', teachers' and finance data.

Click 13 Years Education Program

Sri Lanka Education Administrative Service - HRM

The Sri Lanka Education Administrative Service (SLEAS) is one of the Island-wide services established in Sri Lanka in order to cater to the General Education System of the country. The online system has been developed to obtain the updated information of the respective officers who are serving island wide. Based on the recruitment types to the SLEAS and the subject category, the system collects information from the beginning of a respective officer including the position changes and the location changes through the personal file of the officer. Further, this system has provided the opportunity to calculate salary conversions of the respective officers and create their letters of transfer/ attachment/ secondment etc. Each officer will be provided with the user name and the password to login the system in order to verify and confirm the information that are in the system belongs to him/ her.


Sri Lanka Teacher Service - HRM

The online system has designed to automate the entire end-to-end management of education data and related administration functions of teachers. The primary aim of this system is to collect, provide and analyze real-time data for better decision-making. Furthermore SLTS - HRM automates the manual processes of administration functions which decrease the wastage of time and resources.

Click SLTS

Educational Statistics

Ministry of Education conducts “School Census” through the branch of Census & Statistical Department established in the Ministry. This census is being carried out on the 1st of June each year in order to obtain the data and information related to the students, academic and non-academic staff, physical facilities etc.
The final census data has categorized under each year and by different headings of which are mostly requested by the users. However, the freedom has been given to the users to download the source file and filter the data as their wish.

Click Educational Statistics

Find Census ID of a School

The Ministry of Education offers a unique number called “census number” for each Government school, Pirivena, Private school and International school in order to use for official purposes when dealing with the Ministry of Education, Department of Examinations and other institutions as well.

Click for Census




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