GCE O/L 2024 - Supportive Seminar Papers

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Financial Grant to the children (who passed GCE AL 2017) of the ETF members

Financial Grant to the children (who passed GCE AL 2017) of the ETF members

Financial Grant to the children of the ETF members

Applications are invited for financial grant of 12 000 to the children of ETF members who have passed the G.C.E. AL Examination in 2017.

Instructions for Filling the Application

  1. A photo-copy of the National Identity Card of the student, certified by the school principal should be submitted.
  2. A photo-copy of the Birth Certificate of the student, certified by the school principal should be submitted.
  3. Please submit a clear photo-copy of the Bank Passbook of the student showing account details (Minor accounts and Joint accounts are not valid), name, address, bank branch, etc. (As the grants are credited through Peoples Bank, having an account in that Bank will be preferable.)
  4. If the student’s name appearing in the Results Schedule differs from the name appearing in the Birth Certificate, please submit a letter certified by the school principal stating that both names refer to one and the same person.
  5. A copy of the Results Schedule, certified by the school principal should be submitted.
  6. If the member’s name ( Father or Mother ) appearing in the Birth Certificate of the student differs from the name in the N I C, a letter certified by the GS and Divisional Secretary stating that all names refer to one and the same person should be submitted.
  7. If the member’s name stated in the application by the employer differs from member’s name appearing in Form II Returns, a letter certified by the Employer stating that all names refer to one and the same person should be submitted.
  8. A photo-copy of the National Identity Card of the Member should be certified by the Employer. If the name is not clear, the full name should be written and certified by the authorizing officer.
  9. If the application is not made by either the father or mother of the student but by the guardian, he/she should furnish required documents in proof legal guardianship.
  10. If both parents are members of ETF, Only one should apply. A student is eligible to receive this Financial Grant only once.
  11. Only one application in respect of a student should be submitted. Please do not submit more than one application.
  12. At the time of the student sat for the A/L Examination ( August 2017), contributions should have been paid on behalf of the member for the 12 months preceding the month in which the Examination was held. Form II Returns in respect of contributions remitted by the Employer should have been received by the Board. Self Employment members should have paid contributions for the 36 months proceeding the month in which the Examination was held.
  13. FormII Returns in respect of contributions remitted by the Employer should have been received by the Board.
  14. In instances where the member’s age is over 70 years, such member should have 25 years of active membership of the Fund and should not have obtained a refund of contributions during that period.
  15. Correctly completed applications should be sent before 16.03.2018 addressed to Scholarships Officer, Employees’ Trust Fund Board, No. 92, Kirula Road, Narahenpita, Colombo 5. The top left hand corner of the envelope should be marked “Advanced Level 2017”.
  16. Applications which are incomplete, illegible or containing erroneous information and received after the closing date will be rejected. The decision of the Board of Directors of ETF Board in selecting beneficiaries shall be final.






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