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Degree Opportunities in Open University

Degree Opportunities in Open University

The Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL) is the premier Open and Distance learning institution in Sri Lanka where students can pursue their studies through Open and Distance Learning (ODL) methodologies.
Established in 1980, under the Universities Act No. 16 of 1978 and OUSL Ordinance No. 1 of 1990, as amended, the OUSL has the same legal and academic status as any other national University in Sri Lanka.  According to the Public Administration Circular No. 16/92, dated 13.03.92, issued by the Ministry of Public Administration, Provincial Councils & Home Affairs, the degrees awarded by The Open University of Sri Lanka are treated as equivalent to degrees awarded by any other University under the purview of the University Grants Commission.

The Open University is going to start some degree programs for the year 2018. Students who missed the state university according to their G.C.E.A/L results and persons who currently involving jobs can apply for this.

Degree Courses

  1. Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences
  2. Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Sciences
  3. Bachelor of Pharmacy
  4. Bachelor of Science in Nursing

Bachelor of Arts in Social Sciences

The BA in Social Sciences is a 3 year study programme starting at Level 3. Each year is divided into two semesters. During each semester you can offer courses worth a maximum of 18 credits. To complete the programme you need to have a total of 108 credits. Each year you will offer a combination of compulsory and elective courses. In addition, you will have to offer what are known as 'Continuing Education' (CE) courses. You can select up to 9 credits of CE courses each year. Some of the CE courses, such as English, are compulsory.

This 3 year multi-disciplinary degree offered in the English medium offers you the opportunity to obtain a multi-disciplinary social science training while also selecting a stream in which you can obtain a special orientation. Students who register for the programme can choose from the following 4 streams:
      1. Economics and Development Studies
      2. Communication Studies
      3. Politics and International Relations
      4. Society and Culture Studies
For more Details click below link                                     

 Social Science Degree Information

Bachelor of Medical Laboratory Sciences

The program's primary expectation is to create individuals who are professionally competent; who are able to develop and establish procedures for collecting, processing and analyzing biological specimens for laboratory investigations; who possess a commitment to life-long learning; who exhibit a sense of commitment to the ethical and humane aspects of patient care; who appreciate the need for research to develop knowledge of health, disease, healthcare management and education and who are able to recognize the role of the clinical laboratory scientist in the assurance of quality health care.

For more Details click below link

Medical Laboratory Science Degree Information

Bachelor of Pharmacy

Upon successful completion of the B.Pharm degree programme, a graduate will be able to:
  • acquire an understanding of the theoretical and applied knowledge of the direction and administration of the pharmaceutical services and drug procurement
  • acquire knowledge and skills in drug regulation and control, formulation and quality control of pharmaceutical products, inspection and assessment of drug manufacturing facilities and assurance of product quality throughout the distribution chain
  • use appropriate communication skills in the provision of drug information
  • practice effective teaching and research skills
  • participate in national and institutional formulary committees
  • acquire necessary skills to train other healthcare workers
  • work as clinical pharmacists
  • understand the value and ethics of society and the profession
For more Details click below link

Pharmacy Degree Information

Bachelor of Science in Nursing

This programme prepares a nurse to provide quality care in every aspect of the nursing practice with advanced knowledge and skills. The aims of this programme are: to provide advanced skills in holistic client-centered nursing care, leadership, teaching, research and management; to increase the understanding of the health care system of Sri Lanka; to create sensitivity to national and global nursing issues; to encourage active participation in shaping policies affecting the health care system of Sri Lanka; to increase overall work satisfaction; and to provide the necessary preparation for post-graduate studies.

For more Details click below link

Nursing Degree Information

Application Accepting

March 04.2018

Closing Date

April 04. 2018




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