Applications are called for the following courses conducted by the National Institute of Social Development (NISD)
Higher Diploma Courses
1. Higher Diploma in counselling
- Qualification : diploma in counselling and passing the GCE AL
- Medium : Sinhala & Tamil
- Place : only at colombo center
- Duration : 21 months
- Fee : 76 000 weekend
Diploma Courses
1. Diploma in counselling
- Qualification : GCE AL , experience will be and additional qualification
- Medium : Sinhala .Tamil & English
- Place : colombo, anu'pura, ampara, kilinochi, reanna (Hambanthota), kandy and galle
- Duration : 21 months
- Fee : 51 000 week days and weekend
2. Diploma in Child Protection
- Qualification : GCE AL , experience will be and additional qualification
- Medium : Sinhala & Tamil
- Place : colombo, anu'pura, ampara, kilinochi, reanna (Hambanthota), kandy and galle
- Duration : 18 months
- Fee : 51 000 week days and weekend
3. Diploma in Gerontology Eldercare
- Qualification : GCE AL , experience will be and additional qualification
- Medium : Sinhala & Tamil
- Place : colombo, anu'pura, ampara, kilinochi, reanna (Hambanthota), kandy and galle
- Duration : 18 months
- Fee : 51 000 week days and weekend
4. Diploma in Sign language and Interpretation
- Qualification : GCE AL , experience will be and additional qualification
- Medium : Sinhala & Tamil
- Place : colombo only
- Duration : 12 months
- Fee : 50 000 week days and weekend
5. Diploma in social work
- Qualification : GCE AL , experience will be and additional qualification
- Medium : Sinhala & Tamil
- Place : colombo only
- Duration : 24 months
- Fee : free of charge weekdays reg fee 7500 full time
- * 06th Nov 2017 gazette
6. Diploma in social work
- Qualification : GCE AL , experience will be and additional qualification
- Medium : Sinhala Tamil & ENglish
- Place : colombo only
- Duration : 12 months
- Fee : 50 000 weekend
Certificate course
- certificate course in social work
- certificate course in counselling
- certificate course in child focused community development
- Qualification : GCE O/L
- Medium : Sinhala Tamil & ENglish
- Place : Colombo, anu'pura, ampara, kilincohi, ranna (hambanthota), kandy and galle
- Duration : 06 months
- Fee : 11 000 weekday, 21 000 weekend
How to Apply
- the commencement date and venue will be decided according to the number of applicants
- application prepared according to given format should be sent to following address on or before 15.02.2018 by registered post
- write the name of the course and center on top left hand corner of the envelope
National Institute of Social Development
No 488/A Nawala road, Rajagiriya
for further information
011 2882506